Saturday, November 28, 2015

Warren, Week 52


No worries thanksgiving is overrated anyways ha ha.
This week was good, we did a lot of finding, we are trying to do some contacting everyday to talk to more people and find more people to teach. Its getting cold,so I am not sure how many people are gonna be out side but we will!
 Um this week we got 4 return appointments with people to teach them 2 of them are today. other than that we are still working with our recent converts and less actives.
 I guess a miracle is that I finally will stop someone on the street to talk to them even though its scary I can do it now ha ha. talking to people is one of my biggest fears, but its coming along well. 
I enjoy hearing from you. Love and miss you! 

Elder Howard 

Warren, Week 51

Hey Family!

So this week wasn't too eventful, we are still working on finding new investigators its hard! people are very quick to say no! but we are working with our recent converts on family history and helping them prepare names to take to the temple.
 we also ride bikes in the cold it sucks when you going into a house after riding because they have it so hot in their home when you step in after biking it feels like you just
entered a furnace.
 We try to work with some of the less-actives here but not much luck we have about 400 on the roles and only like 100 attend. Dan and Danielle are doing well. Dan was less active but now he is active and they don't really have a lot of support from family they don't live close to them and their family aren't members. But they are awesome and really want to be sealed in the Temple.
 I love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

Warren, Week 50


My week has been really really good! we did some leaf raking and taught a lot of lessons and just been working hard biking! its been really fun!
 I was also able to conduct my first baptismal interview for a lady up in Ashtabula! I was super nervous, but as soon as the interview started the Spirit was there to guide me and it was just a really awesome interview. But the highlight of this week was Danielle was baptized!!!!
 It was awesome, the ward was super supportive of her and it was just a very awesome experience! the ward heating in the chapel was disconnected though, so it was COLD. so what we did was heat water on a stove and chuck it in the font. it helped a little..... then on Sunday she was confirmed. 
Another cool thing was her husband Daniel the same Sunday (yesterday) was ordained to a priest in the aaronic priesthood, and asked me to perform the ordination. It was a special experience for me since I had never performed one before this week was just a week of firsts for me ha ha.

I am grateful for my membership in the church and the Gospel in my life. Thanks for all you support and prayers! I love this work! and I love all of you! 

Elder Howard.



So, this week has been good not to much to report on, but I was able to witness a wedding on Saturday! Yep Dan and Danielle got married finally now she can be baptized! so that was like the big thing that happened this week plus we have been riding bikes most of the week it has been fun by legs are sore and burn ha ha, but its great! 
it has been cold, but not too bad!
Yeah mark hits in like 4 days crazy! but yeah its weird.... Love you guys glad you are doing well!

Elder Howard



So this week our Investigator didn't get married, but hopefully they will by the end of the week! then she can get baptized.
 Um transfer calls came last night. I am staying, but one of the cars in our ward is being taken, so now we are sharing a car with the other Elders in the ward,and so when we don't have the car we have bikes so wish me luck this winter! 
 This week we focused a lot on talking to everyone and wow its hard. I'm still so shy! but we have done really well at it and we got rejected by a ton of people! It's frustrating but its just how it goes, so I'm going to keep working on it and improve. 
The Temple was amazing I loved being able to go back! The Columbus Temple is really
small but its so beautiful.
Glad to hear all is well back hope love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Warren, week 47

Hey Family!

Um this week yeah its been cold! ha ha. In the mornings we have been waking up at like 5:45 to go play basketball at the church, and this morning there was frost all over the windows. It was like 29 degrees, so that wasn't fun! but I have been wearing either a coat or a sweater all week.
 so this week we were able to start teaching a couple new investigators, but I don't think they are very solid, but we are gonna keep trying to work with them and help them feel through the spirit that our message is true! 
This week Danielle our Investigator came to church!!! finally! her and her soon to be husband (Dan) have had a lot of struggles lately a lot of medical problems stopping them from attending! but this week on Wednesday they are getting married!!! and we are hoping that Danielle is baptized on the 31st of this month, so please pray for her! 
um other than that we are still working hard still trying to teach as many people as we can! I'm glad to hear everything is going good at home and that you guys had fun in Cali. Transfers is on the 28th so someone could leave but i doubt it. well i love you and miss you all I suck at taking pictures so I apologize. Buuuuuut I am going to the Temple tomorrow!!!!! I am so excited so I will take some pictures there! Love you guys be safe!!! 

Elder Howard    

Warren, Week 46


This week has been good. We had a busy week, we taught 36 lessons this week and my District had a combined total of 181 lessons. I think that is the most any district has ever gotten.  
We did a lot of contacting this week we tracked too and found someone to teach. We taught her the restoration like right before I came to email and she said she would read and pray super awesome the Lord is definitely blessing us with people to teach as well show our effort to find.
There is a ton of in actives. its hard to help them cause they wont ever meet with us! haha this one lady we called she answered and we told her it was the missionaries and she didn't respond she just hung up!!!! haha oh this is the best part we called her three more times after that too the same exact result you'd think she would have caller ID or something... but guess not! but the Work is going well sometimes its tough but it really all worth it! love and miss all you guys!!!

Elder Howard


Hey Mum 

Good to hear you get those pictures haha. When I get home I really want to go to watch Conference at the Conference center!
Warren is good, its hard, but its good. We are doing things like starting a bible study class to try find people to teach and just talking to everyone we see and asking for referrals from everyone. But its hard, not a lot of success, but we are still trying! 
glad to hear Jude like his card! ha ha
 we have one Investigator right now who really wants to be baptized. she just has to get married first and its really hard to schedule an appointment with her cause she doesn't have a phone! plus she had to cancel onus twice this week, but we still trying to help her the best we can.
 um Sunday morning we made breakfast burritos ha ha they were pretty good!
 so we do get dinner appointments but we still make food. and most the members here just take us out to eat.
 I miss your cooking mum! ha ha, but all is well out here keep reading the BoM I am in Alma 38 right now so see if you can catch me up. ha ha love you all! 

Elder Howard

Barber - Elder Howard

Warren, week 44


So I am in Warren OH. It is about 45 Minutes south of Ashtabula, so I'm back pretty much right where I started. I'm in  the same district I started in, except this time I'm the District Leader.
 Its good though, this is a good area and a place ready for real growth. My new Companion is Elder Clement he has been out 6 weeks so I am finishing his training, the ward is good the apartment is okay ha ha. Oh my address is 2922 Dunstan Rd, NW. Warren OH 44485. but yeah its good here since I am the DL I get to got on exchanges back to my old area ha ha so that should be super interesting and exciting! 
glad to  hear everyone is doing okay. This week has been good too we did a lot of teaching and meeting new people which was fun! but I'm doing awesome. love you guys!

Elder Howard 



Thursday, September 17, 2015

Defiance,Week 43 (last week in Defiance)

No email what is this?!

I thought you would be transferring, so I thought we were not going to hear from you. How are you?

transfers is tomorrow i will let you know where i end up next Monday but all is well with me!

Ok - any cool stories to share??

Um well this week we met a lady she is like 70 and she was open to have us come back and teach her we were supposed to yesterday but we couldn't mind a male to come with us.



Don't forget to pack your marmite!!!

yeah and I packed it!

Did you get Joel and Beths letters?

Joel's letter was funny


Have a safe transfer - hope your new companion is not too American.

Love you too


Okay love you mum! 

Defiance, week 42

Hey Family!

Go to hear you had a good day yesterday! I am emailing today because the libraries were closed yesterday! but this week was good. we did a lot of service as usual, and on Wednesday I went on an exchange with the Zone Leaders and right after lunch me and Elder Gallegos were going back to his area and like 5 mins into our drive back we got rear ended! by like a 18 yr old girl, she was texting or something she hit us going like 30mph we had to stop for a car that was turning and the girl behind us didn't realize we stopped so she hit us her car was smashed us super hard but we were in a Silverado and nothing happened to the truck! it was crazy! but my back was a little sore the next day. haha but first time getting into an accident on my mission! 
and another thing that happened this week was I got a call sunday to finish a missionaries training so I will be getting transferred on the 16th so like a week! I'm nervous and excited at the same time I will miss James' baptism but all is well because even though I will miss it he is still getting baptized! so ill let you know where I end up in like 2 weeks!
 love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 41

Hello Family!

So this week was awesome! We had a mission conference and Elder Bennett from the 2nd quorum of the 70 cam to teach us! it was awesome I loved it. I learned so much and we are trying to implement all that we learned, we haven't seen any direct results yet, but I'm sure they will come! the work here is moving along it is better from when I was first here we have been able to find more people to teach and get in contact with more LAs
 we had that same presentation yesterday too! I love this excerpt from Preach My Gospel on the Sabbath Day 
"Our Sabbath day behavior is reflection oour commitment to honor and worship God." 
So keep it up! I know I could have done a lot of different thing to keep the Sabbath more holy. transfers are on the 16th of September and  feel like iewill get transferred but I'm not sure. James our Investigator was at church again yesterday! he is super ready to be baptized we are just waiting for his interview on the 13th of September. Love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 40

Dear Family

This week was pretty good. It was a slower week and we didn't get to visit a lot of people like the Crawford Family. We haven't been able to meet with them for like a month now its super frustrating! but we are trying I guess its just on them... but this week our Investigator Bob dropped us his wife wasn't happy that he was meeting with us, so he called us and told us not to come by anymore which was super sad because he would be such a solid member!!!
James was at church again! he has his baptismal interview on the 13th I think so  we are looking forward to that and if I get transferred next transfer I wont get to see him get baptized, but as long as he does get baptized and goes to the temple!
 I have been in this area for like 4 months now, so not as long as my first area, but still a while. time goes by so fast its crazy! but i love it out here!
 Love and miss you all take care!

Elder Howard  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Defiance, week 39

Hello Family!

James is awesome! he is progressing really well and reading the Book of Mormon. He said "there is something about it" in a good way hahaha, so that's super cool! and he will probably have to get baptized in a members pool because the church building is getting constructed on still #firstworldproblems but I'm excited for that!

We have zone conference on Wednesday, so that will be a good learning experience. I also fixed a lawn mover on Saturday with the skill of soldering I learnt in the year 8, so that was cool!

 yes I remember the first time passing they gave me the easiest assignment and I was really nervous! I passed the sacrament yesterday too! ha ha good job Zach! 

what name did Luke put on his parking spot? 

well I love and miss you all! 

Elder Howard 

Defiance, Week 38


So  I guess just a cool miracle that happened this week, we contacted a guy (james) who requested a bible last Sunday and then taught him the restoration. on Friday he accepted the invitation to be baptized and set a date! then he was at church on Sunday!

 I have never taught anyone more prepared on my mission such a blessing from the Lord! so yeah that was the highlight of the week! love and miss you all! 

Elder Howard

Defiance, Week 37

Hello Family!                                                                            AUGUST 4TH 2015
So this week was really good! um, I guess the best thing that happened was on Sunday we went by a bible referral in the town of Antwerp, his name was is James. He let us right in to talk to him! it was super awesome because he  was just so prepared to talk to us. We will be going over there this week to teach him the message of the Restoration! It was just a real testimony builder that The Lord is really preparing His children to receive the Restored Gospel.

I love my mission, and the experiences I have had.

 The past two Fridays me and Elder Roll have ridden our bikes around Defiance, and wow its not fun! ha ha - it's hot and humid and people shout at you from their cars! ha ha, but it is good for exercise, and we get to talk to more people as well!

 Love and miss you all!

Elder Howard  


This is for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY you are like TWEELEVE now! thats so coo,l but the best thing about being 12 is that you can hold the Priesthood. Zach the Priesthood is of God and is a very sacred thing and it is a privilege to hold it and to be worthy of it. Through the Priesthood we serve, it is the ability for man to act in the name of god. no other church on the face of the earth has the Priesthood because the Priesthood is only in The Lords church. Do everything you can to help and serve with your Priesthood power. With out the Priesthood we wouldn't be able to return to like with our Heavenly Father again, and we wouldn't be able to be an eternal family I don't know about you Zach but I want to be with you, mum, dad, luke, joel, beth, and jude for ever and that is only possible because the priesthood was restored to the earth through the prophet Jospeh Smith. so remember when you are ordained a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood you have been given a great responsibility from our Heavenly Father to help his children return to live with him again. I love you Zach and happy birthday.

Love your big bro
Elder Howard

Friday, July 31, 2015

Defiance, Week 36

Hey Mum!

Yes I love everything in the package, so thank you so much! 
The work is going ok, our weeks are pretty much the same. We usually get around 13 lessons a week, but we are trying to stretch ourselves - no real progressing investigators, but we are trying to find new ones and working a lot with the less actives and part member families, and we do so much service! 
I got a wedding invitation from my trainer so that was kinda weird ha ha! me and my comp are good buddies, we get along well and we try our best! even though we don't really have any baptisms coming up soon, I love it here the members are awesome and its just really nice to serve and help people, but I hope that soon we can find so prepared people! 
this area is safe ha ha idk if this is bad but we don't lock our apartment when we go out so yeah? 
well that's all from me! love and miss you!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 35

Family!                                                                                                            20th July '15

My Birthday was awesome!
 I didn't take a lot of pictures though! sorry! but it was good.  We did service and taught some lessons, so it was the best! 
 This week we had a couple miracles actually on Monday we were at Sister Crawford's house teaching her. Her kids weren't in the living room, so she went and got them and we taught about the importance of prayer and scripture study and Rome the 15 yr old boy had a friend over and he was super into the lesson and we gave him a Book of Moron and invited him back next week! 
 On Tuesday we street contacted a guy named Chris. We gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to learn more. He accepted, but we are yet to set up an appointment with him, but I fell very blessed this week!
 Sounds like everything is going well back home! and I didn't open my birthday package till my Birthday and I have a picture to prove it. It sat on my dresser from Monday to Saturday, so you should be proud of me - I  pretty much did what no other missionary could do! ha ha ha ha and a LA in the Branch made me a chocolate cheese cake, cause I told her it was my fave ha ha, but I love and miss you all! take care!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 34

Hello Family!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         July 13th

Well this week was good. All the weeks are good! 
The work(investigator wise) is slower here, but there is work and we do a lot we do so much service, I come home at night and I am just exhausted! with all this rain we are getting the construction of the new building will probably be ready in like Feb next year! so we are in the school till then!
 Me and my companion get along really well! being the district leader is super fun! its really not that different then being a normal missionary. I just get to plan district meetings and do the call in reports ha ha! but its great.
 Defiance just needs some prepared prepared people! and they are just super hard to find! but we are trying! 
It's wired to think that I opened my mission call a year ago this week! time has gone by so fast! but I'm glad I did come on a mission! I love it!

Elder Howard 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Defiance, Week 33

Hello Family!

So this week has been pretty awesome! really busy! Me and Elder Roll are doing awesome! some good things are starting to happen here in Defiance! so
 This week we had major flooding here, it was crazy! The river was over flowing, it was pretty cool too.
 We met our new Mission President on Wednesday and then again on Saturday. He is super cool and he just seems so great, but I'm sure it will take a while for him to get settled in, but he is really wise and has give us great council already!
 We have also done  a lot of service as usual we helped a new family move into their house! and another families fridge broke, so we helped them get their new one. um we taught like 9 lessons this week which was good considering we had a a lot of meetings to go to!
 I conducted my First District Meeting on Tuesday it went really well I think! ha ha, but other than that we are still trying to find prepared people to teach -  its hard! but I'm sure they are out there!
 I love my mission and the opportunity I have to serve the people of Ohio and the Elders in my District. "Its the best" (in the voice of Nacho)

Elder Howard   

Monday, June 29, 2015

Defiance, Week 32

Hello Family!

Everything is good out here in Bryan OH. My new Companion Elder Roll is awesome! he just graduated High School a month ago, so I finally have a companion younger than me!
we did a lot of service this week! Saturday we put up dry wall on a house! it was crazy! our new Mission President comes tonight President Brown.
I am doing great out here and all is well! Love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

This is Elder Roll and Durrant the two missionaries I have trained he is from Meridan, Idaho, and President Brown is from Utah somewhere, I don't remember 

Defiance, Week 31


So on Preparation Days we play disc golf- it's super fun! ha ha, and I brought a GPS cause my area is huge and I don't know it that well, so I will need it to get around! then I can use it after my mission too.
This week we did a lot of service! we started building a run in for a horse and helped people with their yards and stuff! Not too much teaching goes on here, but I hope it will increase! My new companion will be Straight out of the MTC, so hopefully he is ready to work hard! Idk what I need for my Birthday? ha ha, what ever you would like to send! I love my Mission and I love serving others!

Love Elder Howard

Hey Dad!

It's great to hear everything is going well at home, I love to hear that! wow that's a lot of pressure to stay out then im gonna be the only one out from our ward ;) ha ha ha jokes I love it out here! it has been such a blessing for me to have experienced this! tell Luke he needs to find a good group a friends, friends that will build him up not drag him down. I'm glad my mission stories could entertain the relief society. Dad I have one request and that is to see a picture of my missionary plaque, I never got to see it. thank you.
thank you fro you testimony Dad and even though you didn't bare it that much it was your example I saw and that is the best way of baring testimony and I still have 4 brothers at home that need to be preparing for missions! I love you Dad and I am so grateful I chose to come to this Earth as your son. I guess just a quick update I Have been called to train a new missionary and I was also called to be the District Leader. I love and miss you.

Elder Howard

Monday, June 15, 2015

Defiance, week 30


I feel the same! this transfer has just flown by! my companion goes home in a week! I feel like I just got here! but its fine! I'm not too excited to get a new companion.
Not too much excitement this week, this area is super different from my last area, so not as much teaching, but its gonna change soon, things are looking better! 
um on Friday it was super duper humid and me and Elder Jenkins went walking to contact people on the street. It  wasn't sunny, it was overcast, drizzling a little, but we went anyway in our rain jackets. We got caught in a huge rain storm! haha it was fun! we talked to this one lady though and we shared a card with her, and she was really appreciative that we talked to her! it was super cool, but I love it out here! 
we do a lot of service which is fun! oh and on Wednesday night there was a huge thunder storm and after this really loud strike of lighting/thunder the power went off and we looked outside. There were huge tree branches in the road and in peoples yards, so we got service clothes on and went out and helped people! it was great! but that's about it for the week!

Elder Howard

Monday, June 8, 2015

Defiance. week 29


So, a Miracle this week would be last Monday, we met with a less active lady who has been kinda on and off with activity and she said she wanted to get back into being active and wants her non-member kids to join aswell so that was super awesome! and cant wait to start teaching that family! 
my companion goes home in two weeks, so I will get a new one soon! 
Its great out here! I love it and I miss all of you! 
so a funny experience from yesterday! so after eating dinner with a member family last night they took us to the dairy farm they work at and showed us around and all that jazz. When we saw the calves,my companion (who is a dairy farmer back home) told me to stick my fingers close to its mouth, and I did, and it sucked on them. It was the weirdest/grossest thing ever! but it was funny! 

Elder Howard

I found the jap curry at walmart, but I couldnt find the butter chicken paste!  but this week we have meals everyday but saturday! so we are good! love you!

Defiance, week 28

I am doing well and it is going to be super weird to meet in a school! but it will be interesting.

This week we had a baptism her name is Cerelle she is like 65 and she is super awesome! and something funny happened at the baptismal service - the pianist that was going to play them hymns couldn't make it, but luckily the branch has a keyboard that has all the hymns set on it, all you have to do is press play, and it will play them automatically, so that's what we did. I was at the piano doing that and now a couple of them members think I can play them piano really well, but I am really the world worst piano player, so I had to try explain to those members that I really couldn't play and it was the piano playing itself!! They just thought I was making a sarcastic remark about the piano playing itself, because they really didn't know it could do that! 

trek,  I'vw always wanted to do that! ha ha 

um the reach out night, I dont think would work here solely because we dont get much support from the Branch coming to appointments and stuff. I have never taught a lesson with a member present here, but we have one tonight! so that's encouraging right? ha ha 

keep reading the Book of Mormon is it so good! how is Joel so big? and how is Luke doing?  I haven't heard from him for a while? but I am doing well. I made butter chicken last week, and it was super good! where do I get the paste from? I got this powder from walmart for butter chicken so I'm gonna see if that tastes the same.

 well I love and miss you all!

Elder Howard 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Defiance, Week 27


The branch is great! we have a baptism this Saturday! her name is Cerelle, so that is really exciting and I am going to start taking pictures of my area cause I realized I don't have any! and yes got the shirts and stuff! I made curry on Thursday! it was great, thank you! and the shirts fit perfect! 
Another cool thing about the branch, they are adding onto the building, so starting the first week in June we will be meeting in an elementary school! They don't have AC, so come summer church is gonna be really hot and sticky! ha ha, but that should be interesting. I have never had church in a school before, I don't think. 
This week we built a house! it was awesome! but it's not finished, so this week we will keep building! um there is probably like a 25-30% activity rate here so yeah we have quite a few! but we are working with a few and trying to get them back to church! um other than that not too much to report on! haha 
Our mission president is going home in a month, and they we get a new one! but yeah! I love and miss you!

Elder Howard 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Defiance, Week 26


my address is 905 Wilhelm St Defiance OH, 43512 and its safe. 15 1/2 neck slim fit and the brand was van husen or something like that. and yeah use my money. I brought that bag from walmart it was like 84 bucks!
okay so I am serving in the Bryan branch its a huge area but not a lot of people its all country side! I live in defiance so you can google map that and look where it is from where I was in Ashtabula ha ha its crazy! my new comp is awesome! he is a good missionary and he goes home in 5 weeks! so I will get a new comp soon. I really like it here. its nice and the members are cool even though only like 35 showed up Sunday ha ha the branch building is so tiny! but its fun and I'm excited! do they have rugby balls at Walmart or can you send one? 

Elder Howard

Ashtabula, week 25

 I will get transferred tomorrow! I don't know where too yet but will let you know on Monday! it was so great to see you also! I love and miss you all! but yeah you pretty much got my update I will go to Walmart today to get a bag, so I can fit everything! but other than that I'm good!
 I will give you my new address on Monday! love and miss you!
Elder Howard

Ashtabula, week 24

Hello Family!
This week was a good one! we had interviews with our mission president on Wednesday! it was really good!
we had a cool thing happen we had contacted a HQ refferral like last week and set up an appointment for Saturday at 10 and we went over there and we just sat down with him and he pretty much said "i want to learn teach me" so that is a huge blessing! It just goes to show if you work hard and are diligent Heavenly Father will trust you with his prepared children! 
 I love it out here and I got to serve with a missionary I have looked up to my whole mission his name is Elder Miller and he was the Assistant who picked me up from the airport so i have know him my whole mission and on Saturday he was in Ashtabula Because he and his comp are traveling the mission helping missionaries with their areas and stuff like that so on Saturday he came here and I got to serve with him for half a day and it was awesome he is an awesome missionary! but yeah that was about it this week! 
I love and miss you all, tell Beth good luck for her recital and tell Jude congrats!
Elder Howard

Ashtabula, week 23

                               Justin's Baptism

                                Elder Miller
                                My trainer back to visit and engaged!!

yes I have recovered! thank you! glad to hear the team is still winning! was that game for the cup again? Lucas looks like a girl! ha ha tell Beth and Jude thank you and I love them! thats awesome! Family History is great! um here are some pics from our travels last night and a video! love you!!!

Ashtabula, week 22

so this week was good! we taught a lot of lessons and Justin got baptized on Saturday!
 I left my camera at home, but will send some pics next week! but ill apologize now, I got food poisoning this week end and I feel like crap right now! I cant really concentrate so this is gonna be short. sorry. love and miss you all! take care!
Elder Howard

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ashtabula, week 21

Hello family,

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well! how is Joel and Zach? I don't hear much about them? I really miss you all so much! cant wait to see you on the Skype next month! I want to know where I can find the Jap curry stuff and the butter chicken stuff? so I can attempt to make it! and yes I get the ensign! 
This week was a good week we taught 27 lessons and did 14 hours of service! and our investigator Justin passed his baptismal interview! so he is getting baptized Saturday! super excited for that! 

Love and miss you all! Take care!
Love Elder Howard   

Ashtabula, week 20


 My eyes are fine ha ha. It was a dumb and something that I have learned from! 

I got the package! thank you so much! you just added to the mountain of sweets I already have! ha ha sounds like all is well back home though! the weather is like 45-60 its pretty dang awesome! it still gets a little chilly though. yeah after I am done training elder Durant ill probably get transferred!
 yeah yesterday was my 5 month mark! it's scary to think I have been out that long! but it's great! 
This week was pretty good. I loved conference! I really got a lot out of it! I think it was the Saturday afternoon session where a 70 (can't remember his name) talked about hearing the right music and having our family hear it too and dancing to it, and it's like hearing the gospel and dancing is living the gospel if you watched it you will know what i'm talking about ha ha, but I really liked that one! and if you didn't hear it then watch or read it! but other than that this week was pretty good! and I love sharing the gospel! 
 love and miss you all!
Love Elder Howard