Saturday, November 28, 2015

Warren, Week 51

Hey Family!

So this week wasn't too eventful, we are still working on finding new investigators its hard! people are very quick to say no! but we are working with our recent converts on family history and helping them prepare names to take to the temple.
 we also ride bikes in the cold it sucks when you going into a house after riding because they have it so hot in their home when you step in after biking it feels like you just
entered a furnace.
 We try to work with some of the less-actives here but not much luck we have about 400 on the roles and only like 100 attend. Dan and Danielle are doing well. Dan was less active but now he is active and they don't really have a lot of support from family they don't live close to them and their family aren't members. But they are awesome and really want to be sealed in the Temple.
 I love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

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