Saturday, November 28, 2015

Warren, Week 50


My week has been really really good! we did some leaf raking and taught a lot of lessons and just been working hard biking! its been really fun!
 I was also able to conduct my first baptismal interview for a lady up in Ashtabula! I was super nervous, but as soon as the interview started the Spirit was there to guide me and it was just a really awesome interview. But the highlight of this week was Danielle was baptized!!!!
 It was awesome, the ward was super supportive of her and it was just a very awesome experience! the ward heating in the chapel was disconnected though, so it was COLD. so what we did was heat water on a stove and chuck it in the font. it helped a little..... then on Sunday she was confirmed. 
Another cool thing was her husband Daniel the same Sunday (yesterday) was ordained to a priest in the aaronic priesthood, and asked me to perform the ordination. It was a special experience for me since I had never performed one before this week was just a week of firsts for me ha ha.

I am grateful for my membership in the church and the Gospel in my life. Thanks for all you support and prayers! I love this work! and I love all of you! 

Elder Howard.

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