Hey Family!
Go to hear you had a good day yesterday! I am emailing today because the libraries were closed yesterday! but this week was good. we did a lot of service as usual, and on Wednesday I went on an exchange with the Zone Leaders and right after lunch me and Elder Gallegos were going back to his area and like 5 mins into our drive back we got rear ended! by like a 18 yr old girl, she was texting or something she hit us going like 30mph we had to stop for a car that was turning and the girl behind us didn't realize we stopped so she hit us her car was smashed us super hard but we were in a Silverado and nothing happened to the truck! it was crazy! but my back was a little sore the next day. haha but first time getting into an accident on my mission!
and another thing that happened this week was I got a call sunday to finish a missionaries training so I will be getting transferred on the 16th so like a week! I'm nervous and excited at the same time I will miss James' baptism but all is well because even though I will miss it he is still getting baptized! so ill let you know where I end up in like 2 weeks!
love and miss you all!
Elder Howard

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