Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Warren, Week 46


This week has been good. We had a busy week, we taught 36 lessons this week and my District had a combined total of 181 lessons. I think that is the most any district has ever gotten.  
We did a lot of contacting this week we tracked too and found someone to teach. We taught her the restoration like right before I came to email and she said she would read and pray super awesome the Lord is definitely blessing us with people to teach as well show our effort to find.
There is a ton of in actives. its hard to help them cause they wont ever meet with us! haha this one lady we called she answered and we told her it was the missionaries and she didn't respond she just hung up!!!! haha oh this is the best part we called her three more times after that too the same exact result you'd think she would have caller ID or something... but guess not! but the Work is going well sometimes its tough but it really all worth it! love and miss all you guys!!!

Elder Howard

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