Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Warren, week 47

Hey Family!

Um this week yeah its been cold! ha ha. In the mornings we have been waking up at like 5:45 to go play basketball at the church, and this morning there was frost all over the windows. It was like 29 degrees, so that wasn't fun! but I have been wearing either a coat or a sweater all week.
 so this week we were able to start teaching a couple new investigators, but I don't think they are very solid, but we are gonna keep trying to work with them and help them feel through the spirit that our message is true! 
This week Danielle our Investigator came to church!!! finally! her and her soon to be husband (Dan) have had a lot of struggles lately a lot of medical problems stopping them from attending! but this week on Wednesday they are getting married!!! and we are hoping that Danielle is baptized on the 31st of this month, so please pray for her! 
um other than that we are still working hard still trying to teach as many people as we can! I'm glad to hear everything is going good at home and that you guys had fun in Cali. Transfers is on the 28th so someone could leave but i doubt it. well i love you and miss you all I suck at taking pictures so I apologize. Buuuuuut I am going to the Temple tomorrow!!!!! I am so excited so I will take some pictures there! Love you guys be safe!!! 

Elder Howard    

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