Monday, June 15, 2015

Defiance, week 30


I feel the same! this transfer has just flown by! my companion goes home in a week! I feel like I just got here! but its fine! I'm not too excited to get a new companion.
Not too much excitement this week, this area is super different from my last area, so not as much teaching, but its gonna change soon, things are looking better! 
um on Friday it was super duper humid and me and Elder Jenkins went walking to contact people on the street. It  wasn't sunny, it was overcast, drizzling a little, but we went anyway in our rain jackets. We got caught in a huge rain storm! haha it was fun! we talked to this one lady though and we shared a card with her, and she was really appreciative that we talked to her! it was super cool, but I love it out here! 
we do a lot of service which is fun! oh and on Wednesday night there was a huge thunder storm and after this really loud strike of lighting/thunder the power went off and we looked outside. There were huge tree branches in the road and in peoples yards, so we got service clothes on and went out and helped people! it was great! but that's about it for the week!

Elder Howard

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