Monday, June 8, 2015

Defiance, week 28

I am doing well and it is going to be super weird to meet in a school! but it will be interesting.

This week we had a baptism her name is Cerelle she is like 65 and she is super awesome! and something funny happened at the baptismal service - the pianist that was going to play them hymns couldn't make it, but luckily the branch has a keyboard that has all the hymns set on it, all you have to do is press play, and it will play them automatically, so that's what we did. I was at the piano doing that and now a couple of them members think I can play them piano really well, but I am really the world worst piano player, so I had to try explain to those members that I really couldn't play and it was the piano playing itself!! They just thought I was making a sarcastic remark about the piano playing itself, because they really didn't know it could do that! 

trek,  I'vw always wanted to do that! ha ha 

um the reach out night, I dont think would work here solely because we dont get much support from the Branch coming to appointments and stuff. I have never taught a lesson with a member present here, but we have one tonight! so that's encouraging right? ha ha 

keep reading the Book of Mormon is it so good! how is Joel so big? and how is Luke doing?  I haven't heard from him for a while? but I am doing well. I made butter chicken last week, and it was super good! where do I get the paste from? I got this powder from walmart for butter chicken so I'm gonna see if that tastes the same.

 well I love and miss you all!

Elder Howard 

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