Monday, June 29, 2015

Defiance, Week 31


So on Preparation Days we play disc golf- it's super fun! ha ha, and I brought a GPS cause my area is huge and I don't know it that well, so I will need it to get around! then I can use it after my mission too.
This week we did a lot of service! we started building a run in for a horse and helped people with their yards and stuff! Not too much teaching goes on here, but I hope it will increase! My new companion will be Straight out of the MTC, so hopefully he is ready to work hard! Idk what I need for my Birthday? ha ha, what ever you would like to send! I love my Mission and I love serving others!

Love Elder Howard

Hey Dad!

It's great to hear everything is going well at home, I love to hear that! wow that's a lot of pressure to stay out then im gonna be the only one out from our ward ;) ha ha ha jokes I love it out here! it has been such a blessing for me to have experienced this! tell Luke he needs to find a good group a friends, friends that will build him up not drag him down. I'm glad my mission stories could entertain the relief society. Dad I have one request and that is to see a picture of my missionary plaque, I never got to see it. thank you.
thank you fro you testimony Dad and even though you didn't bare it that much it was your example I saw and that is the best way of baring testimony and I still have 4 brothers at home that need to be preparing for missions! I love you Dad and I am so grateful I chose to come to this Earth as your son. I guess just a quick update I Have been called to train a new missionary and I was also called to be the District Leader. I love and miss you.

Elder Howard

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