Monday, May 18, 2015

Ashtabula, week 24

Hello Family!
This week was a good one! we had interviews with our mission president on Wednesday! it was really good!
we had a cool thing happen we had contacted a HQ refferral like last week and set up an appointment for Saturday at 10 and we went over there and we just sat down with him and he pretty much said "i want to learn teach me" so that is a huge blessing! It just goes to show if you work hard and are diligent Heavenly Father will trust you with his prepared children! 
 I love it out here and I got to serve with a missionary I have looked up to my whole mission his name is Elder Miller and he was the Assistant who picked me up from the airport so i have know him my whole mission and on Saturday he was in Ashtabula Because he and his comp are traveling the mission helping missionaries with their areas and stuff like that so on Saturday he came here and I got to serve with him for half a day and it was awesome he is an awesome missionary! but yeah that was about it this week! 
I love and miss you all, tell Beth good luck for her recital and tell Jude congrats!
Elder Howard

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