Friday, July 31, 2015

Defiance, week 35

Family!                                                                                                            20th July '15

My Birthday was awesome!
 I didn't take a lot of pictures though! sorry! but it was good.  We did service and taught some lessons, so it was the best! 
 This week we had a couple miracles actually on Monday we were at Sister Crawford's house teaching her. Her kids weren't in the living room, so she went and got them and we taught about the importance of prayer and scripture study and Rome the 15 yr old boy had a friend over and he was super into the lesson and we gave him a Book of Moron and invited him back next week! 
 On Tuesday we street contacted a guy named Chris. We gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to learn more. He accepted, but we are yet to set up an appointment with him, but I fell very blessed this week!
 Sounds like everything is going well back home! and I didn't open my birthday package till my Birthday and I have a picture to prove it. It sat on my dresser from Monday to Saturday, so you should be proud of me - I  pretty much did what no other missionary could do! ha ha ha ha and a LA in the Branch made me a chocolate cheese cake, cause I told her it was my fave ha ha, but I love and miss you all! take care!

Elder Howard

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