Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 6

Wow sounds like you had an awesome Christmas day! I seriously got so many sweets and stuff its crazy!
Hello Family!
This week was crazy!... Like it was super hard cause everyone was doing holiday stuff, so it was super hard to meet with people and I got a sore throat which sucked so bad. It hurt to eat anything, but with many cough drops and stuff I conquered it like a champ! 

 Christmas was solid, we got taken care of really well and had a lot of food! it didn't even snow for Christmas #iaintevenmad. I'ts like 40s here and I couldn't be happier. I know that will change when the snow comes though! 

still killing it with the missionary work, its so awesome! if there is one thing that I've learned out here is that obedience is the key! if you are obedient then you're golden. You don't have to worry about anything cause you will be doing everything right! so its so important that we be obedient! 

 I seriously cant believe you replaced me with a dog.... like its no way near as cute as me.. its like a down grade..  but whatever.. ha ha, but I might need to send some sweets home cause I have way too many and after planning and studying I feel so sick cause I ate so much!

 Oh and I got all the Elders in the apartment to start saying chuck and bagel it's so awesome! hahahaha, but other than that, all is well and Ohio is still solid! Love and miss all of youz!

Elder Howard 


Friday, December 26, 2014

Astabula, week 5

Hey Family

sooooooo this week is actually a blur and I don't remember much buuuuuut it was a good week! we did some real good work with our investigators and its looking like we might have a few baptisms next month, so pray for them to work out!

 Its so awesome teaching people, I love it! i'm still super shy though and don't really talk to much unless its Gospel related and then I speak ha ha. I just realized that I'm not very good at keeping a conversation going with people about random stuff i just get really bored and impatient and zone out when people are talking.. so i need to work on that.. ha ha

 This Saturday I went on an exchange my first one! it was with Elder Korn he is one of the elders in my apartment and he is in the Ashtabula bike area, so yeah I had to bike all day Saturday and it was thee worst thing ever... we biked like 15 miles that day and I couldn't feel mt legs or butt by the end of the day.. and woke up the next morning super sore ha ha.

 Church was awesome we had 3 investigators come and they loved it! we are teaching a 10 yr old called Marcus and his less active grandma brought him a suit and he wore it to church and he was so happy ha ha, it was super cool! We actually got his Grandma to come to church with him and this was her first time coming in a long time so that was really good also!

 The district I am in is so awesome there is a kid in the district that is from Ceder city he's such a solid missionary his name is Elder Bettridge and he always makes Snow Canyon jokes at me and I give them right back ha ha I love it! between the 3 companionship in our district we taught 130 lessons last week! like no other district in the mission does that! me and the comp taught 42 last week which was the most I've taught so far! And I guess that's about it? I miss you all so much and I love you! Merry Christmas!
Elder Howard   

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 4

So this week was crazy ha ha, um we had pretty good success, but a lot of stink moments. It is actually thee worst feeling when you get cancelled on, and stuff like that, but you just gotta keep moving on, right? and that's what we did. In my area there is so much opportunities, I love it.  We now have 5 investigators with a baptism date for the coming month. I'm really praying they work out!

 We actually met this one lady called Shonda (coolest white girls name ever) we met her like 2-3 weeks ago and have been able to teach her pretty much everything, and she believes it all. She is so prepared, its insane. She has been to church the past two weeks and has loved it, also she has read like 20 chapters in the BoM and knows it is true and wants to be baptized, so that's so awesome. She is such an awesome person, and I love teaching her! 

Our other investigators with a date are just super awesome as well, but Satan is doing everything he can to stop them progressing. Like they get sick, so they cant come to church, or they have to work, or just dumb stuff like that. But its good, we had like 37 lessons this week I'm really hoping for more next week though! 

It hasn't even snowed yet!!! so sweet, I hate snow, so when it comes i'll probably cry about it everyday and my comp will probably wanna kill me... ha ha.... but that's pretty much been my week.
 The other elders in the ward had a baptism on Saturday which was awesome! we should have had like 5 investigators there but we had zero cause they all had to work or were sick... Saturday sucked for us haha but the baptism was awesome. I had to give like a 15 minuet spiel on the restoration while we waited for them to get changed, so that was interesting. 

But all in all I LOVE it out here there is really no place id rather be! cant wait for Christmas to see you guys! miss you like crazy! keep safe and remember that I Love you.

Elder Howard

Monday, December 8, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 3

Hey Family!
So, this is how my week went...... I hate typing as well, so sorry for all the grammar mistakes that are about to happen......

Right after emails I got a fresh haircut, it's pretty short but I still look good as always!! haha!

Tuesday,u we had our mission conference in the Kirtland Temple and wow it was amazing. The spirit is always so strong there and I love it! it's so sweet to have that in my mission, such a blessing and thats why I have thee best mission on the planet!
The rest of the week was pretty standard. Taught our investigators and they are making such good progress! same with the less actives- the members here are awesome as well. We taught 38 lessons this week which is one of the highest in the mission, but we should be getting like 50, so thats the goal for the next couple weeks! 

 we had our mission pres, President Vellinga come interview our investigator Chris for baptism. It was like a 2 hour interview so crazy! but she passed!  We have set a date for the end of the month! We have a couple more that we are trying to prepare for that same date! the work is really growing out here in Ashtabula! 

 It's getting cold. I hate it so much. I'm in a huge coat everywhere I go haha! I always have a bennie on too to keep my head warm cause I have no hair left haha, but it hasnt snowed yet, so thats good. But, all the members are saying its comming real soon and I'm really scared cause I hate snow! 

um, what else... so we only live like 6 miles from the church, we sometimes go play basketball in the morning and stuff... um well I guess thats all for this week! just a spiritual thought that I read in the December ensign it talks about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it is the solution to any and every problem and it really is! I know that's so true and I love teaching people about it and seeing them accept it and their lives just get so much better. 
Missionary work is the best and I love being out here! love and miss you all and I hope you wont miss me to much during Christmas! take care!

Elder Howard

I made myself lunch - Turkey and Cheese!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 2

So, Ashtabula is the furthest top right area of the mission. The weather's actually been pretty good this week. Its not been to cold, and only snowed once, which is great! 
My trainer Elder Thomander is from Declo Idaho and turns 21 on Christmas haha! He goes home in feb, so I'm his last companion!
um, so the names of my investigators that get baptized next month are Christine and Dameon. 
 My companions brother is serving in England, and he said he served in the Glenfield ward!!!! ask granny and grandpa and grandma and grandad if they knew and Elder Thomander!!! 
This week was pretty much the same, we go out see our investigators and less active members and the members, we teach and stuff.
 I had to go to Cleveland on Friday for a trainee meeting which was cool! and tomorrow we have a Christmas mission conference in Kirtland which is gonna be so sweet! 
Yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament on obedience, it went really well considering I wrote it in an hour, haha! 
Thanks for the package tell jude I hung his drawing up right above my desk! I love it so much! tell aunty Jane thanks, I love the sweater and tie so much!
 um im doing so well and I don't really need anything! Rochy sent me a few packages haha shes so awesome!
 I love it here and I miss all of you so much! youre always in my prayers and I know im in yours cause im doing great. I love this gospel so much and I've just  been thinking how blessed and special we are to be chosen to receive a knowledge of this gospel, and how now we must share is with those who weren't as fortunate as us!

Elder Howard

Cleveland Browns, American Football Stadium.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Appartment ready for Christmas.

Monday, November 24, 2014

First Area

 Buddies at the MTC

 Hello Family

This email is gonna be long, so be prepared! there might be some spelling mistakes, so I apologize before hand, I'm in a rush kinda!
So, we left the MTC at like 3;30 am. We flew to Detriot, I was gonna call, but there were no phones open and I didnt have enough time, but I arrived safley. We met the pres, he is sure awesome. We got well looked after at the mission home Tuesday night,  and reading that letter from all of you really comforted me and made me miss you guys! I love you so much! 

So, on Wednesday we went to Kirtland. It was like the most amazing spritual experience I've had! In our mission song (to the tune of armies of helaman) it says "we have been called to serve in the place, where Christ our Savior has shown his face" I sing that to myself all the time when Ifeel down and it brings me right back up! then I met my trainer and he is awesome, his name is Elder Thomander, he's helping me so much!

We went back to our area which is Ashtabula East. It's such a big area and its the place in the mission that gets the most snow! haha so, I thought that was kinda funny cause I dont like snow! um the rest of the week was pretty much the same. We taught investigators had dinner appointments and visited less actives and taught and stuff. The ward here really looks after their missionarie, so I'm really blessed the ward/area is huge though and they only have like 100 active members, so im hoping to change that as best I can! 

Sunday I had to introduce myself and then bear my testimoney which was kinda scarey, but also cool. I am speaking next week and idk what im gonna speak on, so could you SEND ME MY FARWELL TALK PLEASE haha I'm serious I need it or I"m gonna die! 

To be honest, I didnt really know what the gospel of Jesus Christ was before I got out here, but now I"m out here, I really understand what it is and when we need it in our lives. It,s amazing what the saviour did for me and everyone and I'm so grateful for it! and know I what it meant to be grateful for this gospel and love it. My testimoney has really grown and I LOVE to read the BoM now haha always! 

My address is 1208 Columbus ave Ashtabula, OH 44004 and its safe to send stuff! I look forward to hearing from you again i hope this email addressed all your needs! I'm doing so good, so dont worry about me! love all of you, and tell Jude thanks for the dollar. I'll keep it my whole mission! and I put the pic of the fam in my scriptures, so I can look at it all the time! Love and miss you guys

Love Elder Howard

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Life in the MTC

Hello Family!!!!!!!!!

I have been in the MTC one week pretty much and I've only just got a P day! talk about ridiculous! but its been fine haha. I' ve had a kinda slow but fast week. I really cant believe its been a week already! I miss you all and leaving you was the hardest things I,ve ever done, and Iwouldn't have done that if i didn't know for a fact that what I'm doing is the work of the Lord, and that through me I can hep his children get back to him.

Being here has really strengthened my testimony of this gospel and the power of the holy ghost. So, what I've done so far..... Alot of class time! so, days we spend like 12 hours in the class room and lot of study time and not much personal time! haha but thats all good cause im on the Lords time now! um well my comp is Elder Ravston and he's a baller. He's super chill and we get along so well. I can tell we are gonna become real good friends after our service. I am also really close with everyone in my district especially my room mates, we have a good laugh, but we also study really hard aswell! and I love them all! It's just me and my comp that are going to Cleveland the others are going to Canada. We are yet to find some other elders going to Cleveland. 

Yesterday, a sister in our district had to leave us because of medical problems. We had a mini testimony meeting for her and afterwards she asked me to give her a priesthood blessing!!! I was so shocked and scared cause that has been my one fear - giving blessings! so my response was "OH SHOOT" I was so frightened and so embarrassed I turned bright red and I looked speechless. But, I gathered myself and cool and composed. I listened to the spirit and gave her a blessing of comfort and council.
 The food here is good. I eat alot apart from breakfast cause it sucks haha but lunch and dinner is always good. I dont think i'm putting on weight though! We have had some opportunities to teach our teachers who impersonate investigators and what not and its really a good learning experience! its hard but its good! 

 We had the opportunity to watch a talk by Elder Bednar called character of Christ. It really was the biggest testament to me about why we should be out here. I would invite you to read or listen to it.  It just talks about forgetting yourself and putting off the natural man and just to think about others when times get rough. Also, you are out here because you need to tell the people that haven't heard the gospel about how they can get back to their Heavenly Father. The only way they can know that is if we forget yourself and go teach and serve them! and I know that to be true will all my heart!
I love and miss all of you. I pray for you everyday! cant wait to Skype on Christmas and keep writing me dear elder and stuff, I love getting them and the packages it makes my day!
Well I'm out of time. I'm doing so well so you dont need to worry

Elder Howard                  

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Kick Off

Elder Adam Howard

Cleveland, Ohio Mission 

5th November 2014 - November 2016

Dear Mum, Dad and Family,
I just want to let you know I am doing well here in the MTC. It is so crazy that I'm here, it's staring to sink in slowly. I'm sitting on my small bed on the second night here. I only just fit on this bed. It's really weird not seeing all of you. I really miss you, which I didn't think I would, but I do. I am doing fine, so don't worry about me!

So, a bit about the MTC. The food is actually pretty good, I'm not going hungry. The days are so long, I'm so exhausted by like 6pm, and realize I have to endure another three more hours! The mental exhaustion is the hardest part, but I know I can make it through it, It's just going to take a while to get used to it.

The spirit that I have felt here is amazing, and I know every time I feel it I forget about how hard things are and focus on why I am out here and why I am doing what I'm doing. I love this gospel even more now and my testimony is growing so much.
My Companion is Elder Ravston, he is such a cool guy, and I am really happy he is my companion. Today, I got made senior companion, and then we will switch half way through. I feel I don't have much time to some of the thing I have to do, but I know the Lord will provide a way! The time when I get back to my room is the best, it's from 9.30-10.30(bedtime). I get to change, prepare for bed, write in my journal, then read the scriptures or missionary handbook. This is such a peaceful and calm time, and I love it. 
Tell everyone that I love them so much and that I miss them, and that I am doing fine.
Love and miss you all,