Monday, December 8, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 3

Hey Family!
So, this is how my week went...... I hate typing as well, so sorry for all the grammar mistakes that are about to happen......

Right after emails I got a fresh haircut, it's pretty short but I still look good as always!! haha!

Tuesday,u we had our mission conference in the Kirtland Temple and wow it was amazing. The spirit is always so strong there and I love it! it's so sweet to have that in my mission, such a blessing and thats why I have thee best mission on the planet!
The rest of the week was pretty standard. Taught our investigators and they are making such good progress! same with the less actives- the members here are awesome as well. We taught 38 lessons this week which is one of the highest in the mission, but we should be getting like 50, so thats the goal for the next couple weeks! 

 we had our mission pres, President Vellinga come interview our investigator Chris for baptism. It was like a 2 hour interview so crazy! but she passed!  We have set a date for the end of the month! We have a couple more that we are trying to prepare for that same date! the work is really growing out here in Ashtabula! 

 It's getting cold. I hate it so much. I'm in a huge coat everywhere I go haha! I always have a bennie on too to keep my head warm cause I have no hair left haha, but it hasnt snowed yet, so thats good. But, all the members are saying its comming real soon and I'm really scared cause I hate snow! 

um, what else... so we only live like 6 miles from the church, we sometimes go play basketball in the morning and stuff... um well I guess thats all for this week! just a spiritual thought that I read in the December ensign it talks about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how it is the solution to any and every problem and it really is! I know that's so true and I love teaching people about it and seeing them accept it and their lives just get so much better. 
Missionary work is the best and I love being out here! love and miss you all and I hope you wont miss me to much during Christmas! take care!

Elder Howard

I made myself lunch - Turkey and Cheese!!

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