Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 4

So this week was crazy ha ha, um we had pretty good success, but a lot of stink moments. It is actually thee worst feeling when you get cancelled on, and stuff like that, but you just gotta keep moving on, right? and that's what we did. In my area there is so much opportunities, I love it.  We now have 5 investigators with a baptism date for the coming month. I'm really praying they work out!

 We actually met this one lady called Shonda (coolest white girls name ever) we met her like 2-3 weeks ago and have been able to teach her pretty much everything, and she believes it all. She is so prepared, its insane. She has been to church the past two weeks and has loved it, also she has read like 20 chapters in the BoM and knows it is true and wants to be baptized, so that's so awesome. She is such an awesome person, and I love teaching her! 

Our other investigators with a date are just super awesome as well, but Satan is doing everything he can to stop them progressing. Like they get sick, so they cant come to church, or they have to work, or just dumb stuff like that. But its good, we had like 37 lessons this week I'm really hoping for more next week though! 

It hasn't even snowed yet!!! so sweet, I hate snow, so when it comes i'll probably cry about it everyday and my comp will probably wanna kill me... ha ha.... but that's pretty much been my week.
 The other elders in the ward had a baptism on Saturday which was awesome! we should have had like 5 investigators there but we had zero cause they all had to work or were sick... Saturday sucked for us haha but the baptism was awesome. I had to give like a 15 minuet spiel on the restoration while we waited for them to get changed, so that was interesting. 

But all in all I LOVE it out here there is really no place id rather be! cant wait for Christmas to see you guys! miss you like crazy! keep safe and remember that I Love you.

Elder Howard

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