Monday, December 1, 2014

Ashtabula, Week 2

So, Ashtabula is the furthest top right area of the mission. The weather's actually been pretty good this week. Its not been to cold, and only snowed once, which is great! 
My trainer Elder Thomander is from Declo Idaho and turns 21 on Christmas haha! He goes home in feb, so I'm his last companion!
um, so the names of my investigators that get baptized next month are Christine and Dameon. 
 My companions brother is serving in England, and he said he served in the Glenfield ward!!!! ask granny and grandpa and grandma and grandad if they knew and Elder Thomander!!! 
This week was pretty much the same, we go out see our investigators and less active members and the members, we teach and stuff.
 I had to go to Cleveland on Friday for a trainee meeting which was cool! and tomorrow we have a Christmas mission conference in Kirtland which is gonna be so sweet! 
Yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament on obedience, it went really well considering I wrote it in an hour, haha! 
Thanks for the package tell jude I hung his drawing up right above my desk! I love it so much! tell aunty Jane thanks, I love the sweater and tie so much!
 um im doing so well and I don't really need anything! Rochy sent me a few packages haha shes so awesome!
 I love it here and I miss all of you so much! youre always in my prayers and I know im in yours cause im doing great. I love this gospel so much and I've just  been thinking how blessed and special we are to be chosen to receive a knowledge of this gospel, and how now we must share is with those who weren't as fortunate as us!

Elder Howard

Cleveland Browns, American Football Stadium.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Appartment ready for Christmas.

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