Monday, November 24, 2014

First Area

 Buddies at the MTC

 Hello Family

This email is gonna be long, so be prepared! there might be some spelling mistakes, so I apologize before hand, I'm in a rush kinda!
So, we left the MTC at like 3;30 am. We flew to Detriot, I was gonna call, but there were no phones open and I didnt have enough time, but I arrived safley. We met the pres, he is sure awesome. We got well looked after at the mission home Tuesday night,  and reading that letter from all of you really comforted me and made me miss you guys! I love you so much! 

So, on Wednesday we went to Kirtland. It was like the most amazing spritual experience I've had! In our mission song (to the tune of armies of helaman) it says "we have been called to serve in the place, where Christ our Savior has shown his face" I sing that to myself all the time when Ifeel down and it brings me right back up! then I met my trainer and he is awesome, his name is Elder Thomander, he's helping me so much!

We went back to our area which is Ashtabula East. It's such a big area and its the place in the mission that gets the most snow! haha so, I thought that was kinda funny cause I dont like snow! um the rest of the week was pretty much the same. We taught investigators had dinner appointments and visited less actives and taught and stuff. The ward here really looks after their missionarie, so I'm really blessed the ward/area is huge though and they only have like 100 active members, so im hoping to change that as best I can! 

Sunday I had to introduce myself and then bear my testimoney which was kinda scarey, but also cool. I am speaking next week and idk what im gonna speak on, so could you SEND ME MY FARWELL TALK PLEASE haha I'm serious I need it or I"m gonna die! 

To be honest, I didnt really know what the gospel of Jesus Christ was before I got out here, but now I"m out here, I really understand what it is and when we need it in our lives. It,s amazing what the saviour did for me and everyone and I'm so grateful for it! and know I what it meant to be grateful for this gospel and love it. My testimoney has really grown and I LOVE to read the BoM now haha always! 

My address is 1208 Columbus ave Ashtabula, OH 44004 and its safe to send stuff! I look forward to hearing from you again i hope this email addressed all your needs! I'm doing so good, so dont worry about me! love all of you, and tell Jude thanks for the dollar. I'll keep it my whole mission! and I put the pic of the fam in my scriptures, so I can look at it all the time! Love and miss you guys

Love Elder Howard

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