Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Life in the MTC

Hello Family!!!!!!!!!

I have been in the MTC one week pretty much and I've only just got a P day! talk about ridiculous! but its been fine haha. I' ve had a kinda slow but fast week. I really cant believe its been a week already! I miss you all and leaving you was the hardest things I,ve ever done, and Iwouldn't have done that if i didn't know for a fact that what I'm doing is the work of the Lord, and that through me I can hep his children get back to him.

Being here has really strengthened my testimony of this gospel and the power of the holy ghost. So, what I've done so far..... Alot of class time! so, days we spend like 12 hours in the class room and lot of study time and not much personal time! haha but thats all good cause im on the Lords time now! um well my comp is Elder Ravston and he's a baller. He's super chill and we get along so well. I can tell we are gonna become real good friends after our service. I am also really close with everyone in my district especially my room mates, we have a good laugh, but we also study really hard aswell! and I love them all! It's just me and my comp that are going to Cleveland the others are going to Canada. We are yet to find some other elders going to Cleveland. 

Yesterday, a sister in our district had to leave us because of medical problems. We had a mini testimony meeting for her and afterwards she asked me to give her a priesthood blessing!!! I was so shocked and scared cause that has been my one fear - giving blessings! so my response was "OH SHOOT" I was so frightened and so embarrassed I turned bright red and I looked speechless. But, I gathered myself and cool and composed. I listened to the spirit and gave her a blessing of comfort and council.
 The food here is good. I eat alot apart from breakfast cause it sucks haha but lunch and dinner is always good. I dont think i'm putting on weight though! We have had some opportunities to teach our teachers who impersonate investigators and what not and its really a good learning experience! its hard but its good! 

 We had the opportunity to watch a talk by Elder Bednar called character of Christ. It really was the biggest testament to me about why we should be out here. I would invite you to read or listen to it.  It just talks about forgetting yourself and putting off the natural man and just to think about others when times get rough. Also, you are out here because you need to tell the people that haven't heard the gospel about how they can get back to their Heavenly Father. The only way they can know that is if we forget yourself and go teach and serve them! and I know that to be true will all my heart!
I love and miss all of you. I pray for you everyday! cant wait to Skype on Christmas and keep writing me dear elder and stuff, I love getting them and the packages it makes my day!
Well I'm out of time. I'm doing so well so you dont need to worry

Elder Howard                  

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