Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Kick Off

Elder Adam Howard

Cleveland, Ohio Mission 

5th November 2014 - November 2016

Dear Mum, Dad and Family,
I just want to let you know I am doing well here in the MTC. It is so crazy that I'm here, it's staring to sink in slowly. I'm sitting on my small bed on the second night here. I only just fit on this bed. It's really weird not seeing all of you. I really miss you, which I didn't think I would, but I do. I am doing fine, so don't worry about me!

So, a bit about the MTC. The food is actually pretty good, I'm not going hungry. The days are so long, I'm so exhausted by like 6pm, and realize I have to endure another three more hours! The mental exhaustion is the hardest part, but I know I can make it through it, It's just going to take a while to get used to it.

The spirit that I have felt here is amazing, and I know every time I feel it I forget about how hard things are and focus on why I am out here and why I am doing what I'm doing. I love this gospel even more now and my testimony is growing so much.
My Companion is Elder Ravston, he is such a cool guy, and I am really happy he is my companion. Today, I got made senior companion, and then we will switch half way through. I feel I don't have much time to some of the thing I have to do, but I know the Lord will provide a way! The time when I get back to my room is the best, it's from 9.30-10.30(bedtime). I get to change, prepare for bed, write in my journal, then read the scriptures or missionary handbook. This is such a peaceful and calm time, and I love it. 
Tell everyone that I love them so much and that I miss them, and that I am doing fine.
Love and miss you all, 


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