Friday, December 26, 2014

Astabula, week 5

Hey Family

sooooooo this week is actually a blur and I don't remember much buuuuuut it was a good week! we did some real good work with our investigators and its looking like we might have a few baptisms next month, so pray for them to work out!

 Its so awesome teaching people, I love it! i'm still super shy though and don't really talk to much unless its Gospel related and then I speak ha ha. I just realized that I'm not very good at keeping a conversation going with people about random stuff i just get really bored and impatient and zone out when people are talking.. so i need to work on that.. ha ha

 This Saturday I went on an exchange my first one! it was with Elder Korn he is one of the elders in my apartment and he is in the Ashtabula bike area, so yeah I had to bike all day Saturday and it was thee worst thing ever... we biked like 15 miles that day and I couldn't feel mt legs or butt by the end of the day.. and woke up the next morning super sore ha ha.

 Church was awesome we had 3 investigators come and they loved it! we are teaching a 10 yr old called Marcus and his less active grandma brought him a suit and he wore it to church and he was so happy ha ha, it was super cool! We actually got his Grandma to come to church with him and this was her first time coming in a long time so that was really good also!

 The district I am in is so awesome there is a kid in the district that is from Ceder city he's such a solid missionary his name is Elder Bettridge and he always makes Snow Canyon jokes at me and I give them right back ha ha I love it! between the 3 companionship in our district we taught 130 lessons last week! like no other district in the mission does that! me and the comp taught 42 last week which was the most I've taught so far! And I guess that's about it? I miss you all so much and I love you! Merry Christmas!
Elder Howard   

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