Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 69

I don't know how long I am gonna keep this up, so if you don't get one, one week don't be alarmed.

So i thinks its been like 3 weeks now in this new area! Its been good! we have been doing a lot of teaching and waling and finding and walking and walking and walking I think we might have walked like 30 odd miles this week..... of and we do a lot of driving! So yeah, the towns we visit are still really Catholic and super rude!(I have a picture of the Catholic church in Delphos just to show you how Catholic this town is!) But we are sill finding new people usually they aren't Catholic. Okay cool so.......................

This week! On Monday we have a super awesome lesson with our investigator Cody @ the Smiths house Brother Smith was the Stake president here in Toledo when I was in the Bryan Branch. Side note but did you know the Toledo is the largest geographical stake of the church in the US? Anyway we had a sweet lesson. I guess another side note Cody wasn't making any progression when I first came here and my first lesson with him (was a miracle we actually met with him that time) he said he was having a lot of doubts about the church and what not. So after committing him to read/pray/find out for himself and teaching him more regularly on Monday the Spirit was very present in that lesson and we committed him to be baptized on Easter Sunday and he said yes. So the rest of the week we have been preparing him and he is ready to be baptized on Sunday! Super awesome! 

We also this week met with Tami and Joe they were progressing quite well and we have had a hard time getting in contact with them but this week we met with them and set baptismal dates for the 16 of April! They too are super awesome! 

Um other than that this week has been a good one. We went bowling today and was almost fun! haha but yeah I love this work being a missionary is THEE greatest! I you haven't read from the Book of Mormon this week repent and pick it up! It will increase your faith! I love the Book of Mormon! Well have a great week all. 

Elder Howard

Pictures of this last week.   

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