Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 65

Hello Family!

I sounded grey last week?! Nah I am as happy as can be! haha But this
week was for sure better than last week! We picked up 9 new
investigators! It was crazy! Thursday this week was like a
missionaries dream! We has a member come out with us at around 12 to
visit some potentials we got flamed by one so we decided to go by
another lady who we taught the Restoration and committed her to
baptism, then we went by a family who was contacted the day before and
the same exact thing happen we taught the Restoration and committed
them to baptism. Then we went tracting in these sketchy apartment
buildings and lets just say it was interesting. Then at like 8:30 we
visited a Less Active named Josh. And he has two people staying with
him and they just cam into talk to us and like legit the same thing
happened we taught them the Restoration and committed them to baptism
haha so in one day we got 5 new investigators and baptismal dates with
all of them so it was like the best day ever haha then another cool
story that happened this week was on Friday night we were supposed to
meet this lady we contacted at the Burger King buuuuuut she totally
didn't show up so just like any missionary should do when your person
to teach doesn't show up..... you find someone else to teach! haha and
that what we did there were a couple sitting like a couple chairs to
the left of us and we just started a conversation with them and before
long we were teaching them the Restoration in Burger King! It was was
we invited them to be baptized and yeah good stuff right? haha I feel
like this week I have just been so bold in talking to people and in
testifying of the Restoration and how this church IS the ONLY true
church! I love it!!!!!!!!! well that's all the patience I have to
right about this day. I love and miss you guys! The Gospel is on the
earth again in its fullness! I know it!

Love Elder Howard

Oh and the Adams totally took us out to lunch this week! they said
they loved the picture of the Savior and it made them cry

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