Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 62

Hola!!!! Hello!

I am dong great! Things are going good! I love being able to read your emails every week and see how my family is doing I love and miss you guys so much! I so grateful we get to be together for eternity! This week I froze and I was warm and I froze some more! But I think the bulk of my email home will be about the Mansfield family! we have taught them for two weeks now and they have been to church once and they came to stake conference yesterday there are 6 of them and they are just so prepared by the Lord. We taught the restoration on Thursday and they listened so intently and we invited them to be baptized and set a date for the 21 of Feb. They accepted and are just so awesome and eager to learn about the restored gospel. I hope all is going well back home because I am loving it out here this is literally the BESTthing I have ever done and I want all you my little siblings to experience it as well even if you don't have a really strong testimony right now if you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and do thing things you are counselled to do by Mum and Dad and the Leaders of the church you will know for yourself what I have come to know and that is that we are all children of heavenly parents and all they want is for us to be happy and return to live with them again. And we have the gospel of Jesus Christ to lead and guide the way. I love you guys and miss you! Do your best and be your best!

Elder Howard

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