Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 68

So I have decided after 16 months that I should start doing a weekly
email. So I can let all of you out there who are wondering about what
I am doing and to maybe a few of you who aren't really wondering. But
here its goes....

So I guess to start off I am Elder Howard and I am serving in the Ohio
Cleveland Mission and currently in the Lima west area serving as a
Toledo South zone leader.

So we live in Delphos Oh it is a small Catholic community that don't
like the missionaries.... I will get to that later... But its good we
have a couple member here in Delphos and a few investigators. About 13
miles west we have Van Wert Oh it is to a small community less,
Catholic though. And we have been finding so good success there and
then 13 miles east is Lima which we dont cover apart from from two
very small communities Elida and Shawnee its pretty spread out in
these two places and we have a couple investigators in these towns

So I guess on to what happened this week. Well we went to a couple
district meeting this week our own in Lima then one the next day in St
Marys so we could exchange with the Elders there. I stayed in St Marys
that day with Elder Brady (who was in the MTC with my last companion
Elder Butterfield) and wow it was awesome! They have a ton of
Marshallese people down there and a lot of them are members, or are
wanting to be so we got to teach a couple of them. I got to learn some
Marshallese too haha so that was good fun! We actually taught a
Marshallese guy who was the leader of another church where pretty much
all the Marshllese down there go. His uncle is a member so he is
interested about Mormons! So that was cool to teach him. We also had
like the coolest miracle ever! So we had like 15 minuets till an
appointment and we were on a random street and we decided we wanted to
go find a new investigator so we prayed for that before we got out of
the car into the poring rain and we knocked on this guys door and he
was totally like "I am not interested". So we asked for a referral and
he told us to visit his next door neighbor Steve, and we did exactly
that Steve let us in (don't worry dad I told him you guys had the same
name). We taught him the restoration in about 10 mins and committed
him to be baptized which he accepted and set another time to come
over! Isn't that a Miracle?! once we have a goal and then call on the
powers of heaven anything is possible! And I guess one more story this
week referring back to the people in Delphos not liking us... so we
just got back to Delphos Sunday afternoon after being n the Shawnee
area and we went out walking in the rain (since we have to drive so
much to get from pace to place we walk the towns) and a cop pulls up
next to us and starts asking what we are doing and all that jazz
saying he has been getting complainants about us like all day
yesterday and today (yesterday we weren't even in town and we just got
back into town not even 5 minuets ago) haha so yeah that was pretty
funny but you best believe before that cop drove away he didn't leave
without a pass-along card! I gave him the last one we had for the new
Easter video! So hopefully he watches it! But that's enough of my
rambling! The work is good, we saw a lot more miracles this week that
I am to lazy to type. But I love being a missionary! Good week, we
walked to much but it was good! I love you all, the Church is true,
Continue to do the things you need to, to build your faith!

Elder Howard

Pictures of my time in Lima west.

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