Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week 86

So. My week was kinda legit! and crazy! 

So we are making a lot of progress with this area! Like wow I am so glad the hard work is bring forth fruit. So I guess I'll share just a couple experiences about this week....

So on Saturday. We biked 25 miles as we contacted LA's and tracted on the country roads. One of the LA's was not interested and was rude so we left, we decided to knock the next couple houses on that long country road and the next two people we talked to were even more rude and super angry and almost set there dogs on us unless we left the property within a matter of milliseconds haha so we figured Heavenly Father didn't want us knocking on this street. So as we road like 5 more miles stopped by another LA member who was a lot nicer we continued on our route kinda afraid to knock on any doors as we road I offered a prayer to Heaven Father asking him to guide me to a house to knock on and to have to courage to just do it! so as we are trudging on our bikes up this hill I see a mail box and receive the prompting to stop here. Our door approach is family history so as we are talking to the woman on her door step and after asking questions about her family history which she didn't seem to interested to answer until she told me where in England her ancestors are from.... oh yeah you guessed it Leicester! she pronounced it a little wrong so I corrected her haha and told her that's where I was born, she was like way more receptive. It was such an amazing miracle! 

The next has to deal with our new Investigator Her name is Amanda she is super awesome! She just came out of the woodwork last week she approached us on the street ans asked for a Book of Mormon and she almost got baptized 6 years ago but wasn't ready then. She is now though. We have taught her 3 times this week and she has committed to baptism. She was planning on coming to church Sunday so we were waiting for her before sacrament meeting but she never came. We were super sad, then...... like 20 mins before sacrament ended we got a text like "hey my alarm didn't go off is it still worth it to come to church?". Well there is still two hours left so yeah! haha so she came with her 4yr old. They both loved it and she knows the church is true! But there is opposition in all things.... yes even this. She has a boyfriend who she lives with and they have a kid together and he is super against the church he has no good reason but he is. So yesterday evening we taught her about eternal families and that is what she wants and with her current situation it doesn't look likely or possible so she is doing everything she can to get her boyfriend on board and he won't so she is going through a ton right now but she told us if it cam down to it she will choose the gospel over her boyfriend. She Has an amazing testimony and such strong faith please pray for her!

But yeah that's my week. I love this Gospel. I know it is true, and nothing in this world will ever shake me from it. 

Elder Howard

Played Risk with some of the youth in the Branch haha and we have a member dinner tonight and a couple lessons!

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