Transfers went well I am doing good in this area I am not a ZL and am the Jr comp haha so its almost refreshing just only having the responsibility of just being a missionary. I am enjoying it haha New branch is good they are really great. a lot of good people here. My new Comp is Elder Foster from Orem UT he is almost as tall as me so we are like two Giants compared to most people here haha things are good though! Luke needs to cut his hair haha its so messy! Glad to hear all is going well! Love you!
Elder Howard
Okay so I will be skyping at 5 our time so 3pm your time glad to hear everyone is doing well. my address is
120 Meadowlands Dr apt B14
Chardon OH 44024
um not to much to report. Like all we have been doing this week is finding and wow it is like impossible to find people to teach like no one is receptive to our message haha like its dang hard to share something people want nothing to do with. But we still keep trying! haha
Who was Luke's date to the prom? He looks like he has a pretty big crush on her.... Beth and Jude look great as always! so what happened with Zach this week? haha good job Joel! how is Luke's team doing this year?

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