Thursday, August 18, 2016

Week 80

Well my week has been good! My new comp is Elder Vaughn he is from Centervill Utah its almost the Mormon capital of the world! We have been doing well together he has been on his mission for almost a year This week was hard have been doing a lot of tracting and contacting to find people! and for the time and effort we have put in we have seen little success haha but we have seen success! So that is good we have some new potentials and what not! But yeah I am doing well Being the DL doesn't really change anything except I plan and conduct a District meeting every week haha but we have a car but we bike a lot to save our miles! When I remember my camera pictures will follow love you guys be safe! 

Elder Howard  



Love you dude keep being swaggie and remember one more year then you can date girls! ;)

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