Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ashtabula, Week 19

Hello Family!

so this week was kinda insane and kinda funny, so try not to laugh too hard at me, cause I did some idiotic stuff!
 This week started out pretty good! we were teaching around 6 lessons a day. On Friday we were supposed to go out with a member all day. He was take us to all the people that are in the outskirts of our area, and we had a good number of appointments set up. But the member called us at like 10 am and said he was sick and couldn't come out with us, so we had nothing planned all day till like 6 but lucky for us Elder Toolson (one of the elders in the apartment) was throwing up so we did an exchange I went with Elder Korn on a bike in his area and my companion stayed home and took care of Elder Toolson, so that was kinda a weird day... and here comes the funny part.....
 On Saturday we went out with a member to some appointments and we hadn't done any service this week so far, so we asked if we could help him with something. He said yeah and we help him with this structure thing he was making for a tarp cover for when he works on his van and we had to do some welding.. I volunteered to weld and he told me to grab a welding shield, but I was like nahhh i'll be fine, so he told me to close my eyes if i wasn't gonna use the shield buuuut since I wasn't thinking and was being an idiot I welded without a mask and open eyes and it wasn't that bad at the time.... but man did I feel it that night I was in so much pain, I only slept like 2 hours and I couldn't open my eyes, so I was pretty much blind.
 On Sunday I got up and went to church and the whole sacrament meeting I had my eyes closed and had to go home after sacrament and one of the members gave me some eyes drops and ointment for my eyes cause he had experienced the same thing so that helped a lot, so Sunday I pretty much slept all day and kept my eyes closed, so wouldn't go blind! then by yesterday they were so much better, but still sore. I rested till like 5 then we went out and taught some lessons! but wow it was the dumbest thing ever and I felt like such a idiot! but I am all good now! feeling much better! ha ha so that was my funny story for the week! you're welcome! 
so transfers are tomorrow that's why preparation day is today. I am staying here but Elder Korn is leaving, other than that not too much to report! thanks for all the support. I love and miss you all!
Elder Howard

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