Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ashtabula, Week 18

Hey Family!
So this week has been pretty fast as well ha ha, um not too may exciting things happened. 

It was kinda like that week where everything fell trough, so we ended up doing a bunch of service! but it was still super awesome to help the members in the ward and gain their trust! 

um, so I guess there was something cool that happened this week. We have been meeting with a less active single Brother in the ward for like a few months now, and he hasn't been to church since I have served here, so he has been pretty in-active for a good 6 months now, so over the time we have been visiting him he has really opened up to us and all that. On Saturday we had a super awesome lesson with him! and he said he would come to church, but he always said that and never came, so I got the brilliant idea on Saturday night to get him to take us to church the next day and he DID!!! he came and he loved it. Everyone was super happy to see him and he really enjoyed himself! so that was super awesome! Pretty much made my week. other than that this week has been pretty straight forward and stuff.
 I'm dong well. Training is still a challenge, but its getting easier!
 Well I love and miss you all!
Elder Howard

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