Monday, March 16, 2015

Astabula, Week 17

Hello Family
This week had been good! 

we had some awesome things happen and a lot of good work is going on! I am still learning so much! Training is hard, but it is going well.
On Saturday we had a trip to Kirtland with Justin(Investigator) and Chris(Recent Convert) it was a super cool experience. Like it's so amazing that where the Saint were first called to gather is literally 45 minuets away from me! so many amazing special things happened there! it was a really good experience for them too. We also watched Meet the Mormons, after we took the tour. and wow that movie is so awesome! 
um also this week we did some service splitting wood and wow that was tough! ha ha my Companion was feeling pretty sick, so I pretty much split a whole truck load of wood by myself! it was a solid work out!
um also i found out Yesterday that Elder Thomander my trainer/last comp just got engaged! it took him 22 days after he got home! ha ha that's so great!
 um but Something that I have learnt this week or something that has stuck out to me has been No matter how small or how big a commandment or a standard that has been given to us by the Lord or Church leaders are all equal and we should be obedient to all of them even if they seem dumb or don't really make sense they are give to us from God or our Church leaders who have the keys to make these standards and they are the ones who receive revelation for us to help us. So I think that is just something really important. I love what Nephi says in 2 Nephi 33:15 right at the end of the verse not only because of the message it teaches, but because it is the last thing Nephi writes in the scriptures. 
It says "for thus hath the Lord commanded me, and I must obey." and that is that attitude i think we all need and something that I want, and am striving for.
 I love and miss you all and hope you know that!
Elder Howard   

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