Monday, March 16, 2015

Ashtabula, Week 16

Hello Family!
So this week has been good! I feel like the weeks now are just becoming a blur! its hard work but so rewarding!

 We have been having some success. Our investigator Justin is doing well. He believes everything and wants to be baptized, but he has a drinking problem! so please pray for him that he may over come that addiction soon! other than that he came to church yesterday and really liked it! so he is making good progress!

 My companion is doing well, he is doing good in lessons and things like that. I feel like he has a hard time keeping up with me in most things. I'm used to moving fast, but he is just kinda chillin, but I'm trying to do the best I can, but doing everything fast and being an example, but he just hasn't seem to catch on yet?... but it will come I guess, he isn't adjusting to missionary life as fast as I did. Other than that, all is going really well!

 um it was like 40s this week and the snow is finally melting! I was driving yesterday and the backish kind of roads are all ice and slush, so for like 2 miles on this road I was pretty much sliding and had no control, but it was so sweet! ha ha I'm a pro at driving in snow and ice and stuff! 

 anyways I love my mission. I am learning so much! its crazy! like I have studied for 3 hours pretty much everyday since I started ha ha!
its great I love it!
Elder Howard
p.s. I AM SO JEALOUS of your Holiday!! There is an Elder in my apartment that is from San Diego so that's cool! plus tell Zach his hair is good, but it needs to be shorter. Tell Luke, Joel and Jude, they need a cut too!

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