Friday, July 31, 2015

Defiance, Week 36

Hey Mum!

Yes I love everything in the package, so thank you so much! 
The work is going ok, our weeks are pretty much the same. We usually get around 13 lessons a week, but we are trying to stretch ourselves - no real progressing investigators, but we are trying to find new ones and working a lot with the less actives and part member families, and we do so much service! 
I got a wedding invitation from my trainer so that was kinda weird ha ha! me and my comp are good buddies, we get along well and we try our best! even though we don't really have any baptisms coming up soon, I love it here the members are awesome and its just really nice to serve and help people, but I hope that soon we can find so prepared people! 
this area is safe ha ha idk if this is bad but we don't lock our apartment when we go out so yeah? 
well that's all from me! love and miss you!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 35

Family!                                                                                                            20th July '15

My Birthday was awesome!
 I didn't take a lot of pictures though! sorry! but it was good.  We did service and taught some lessons, so it was the best! 
 This week we had a couple miracles actually on Monday we were at Sister Crawford's house teaching her. Her kids weren't in the living room, so she went and got them and we taught about the importance of prayer and scripture study and Rome the 15 yr old boy had a friend over and he was super into the lesson and we gave him a Book of Moron and invited him back next week! 
 On Tuesday we street contacted a guy named Chris. We gave him a Book of Mormon and invited him to learn more. He accepted, but we are yet to set up an appointment with him, but I fell very blessed this week!
 Sounds like everything is going well back home! and I didn't open my birthday package till my Birthday and I have a picture to prove it. It sat on my dresser from Monday to Saturday, so you should be proud of me - I  pretty much did what no other missionary could do! ha ha ha ha and a LA in the Branch made me a chocolate cheese cake, cause I told her it was my fave ha ha, but I love and miss you all! take care!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 34

Hello Family!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         July 13th

Well this week was good. All the weeks are good! 
The work(investigator wise) is slower here, but there is work and we do a lot we do so much service, I come home at night and I am just exhausted! with all this rain we are getting the construction of the new building will probably be ready in like Feb next year! so we are in the school till then!
 Me and my companion get along really well! being the district leader is super fun! its really not that different then being a normal missionary. I just get to plan district meetings and do the call in reports ha ha! but its great.
 Defiance just needs some prepared prepared people! and they are just super hard to find! but we are trying! 
It's wired to think that I opened my mission call a year ago this week! time has gone by so fast! but I'm glad I did come on a mission! I love it!

Elder Howard 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Defiance, Week 33

Hello Family!

So this week has been pretty awesome! really busy! Me and Elder Roll are doing awesome! some good things are starting to happen here in Defiance! so
 This week we had major flooding here, it was crazy! The river was over flowing, it was pretty cool too.
 We met our new Mission President on Wednesday and then again on Saturday. He is super cool and he just seems so great, but I'm sure it will take a while for him to get settled in, but he is really wise and has give us great council already!
 We have also done  a lot of service as usual we helped a new family move into their house! and another families fridge broke, so we helped them get their new one. um we taught like 9 lessons this week which was good considering we had a a lot of meetings to go to!
 I conducted my First District Meeting on Tuesday it went really well I think! ha ha, but other than that we are still trying to find prepared people to teach -  its hard! but I'm sure they are out there!
 I love my mission and the opportunity I have to serve the people of Ohio and the Elders in my District. "Its the best" (in the voice of Nacho)

Elder Howard