Monday, June 29, 2015

Defiance, Week 32

Hello Family!

Everything is good out here in Bryan OH. My new Companion Elder Roll is awesome! he just graduated High School a month ago, so I finally have a companion younger than me!
we did a lot of service this week! Saturday we put up dry wall on a house! it was crazy! our new Mission President comes tonight President Brown.
I am doing great out here and all is well! Love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

This is Elder Roll and Durrant the two missionaries I have trained he is from Meridan, Idaho, and President Brown is from Utah somewhere, I don't remember 

Defiance, Week 31


So on Preparation Days we play disc golf- it's super fun! ha ha, and I brought a GPS cause my area is huge and I don't know it that well, so I will need it to get around! then I can use it after my mission too.
This week we did a lot of service! we started building a run in for a horse and helped people with their yards and stuff! Not too much teaching goes on here, but I hope it will increase! My new companion will be Straight out of the MTC, so hopefully he is ready to work hard! Idk what I need for my Birthday? ha ha, what ever you would like to send! I love my Mission and I love serving others!

Love Elder Howard

Hey Dad!

It's great to hear everything is going well at home, I love to hear that! wow that's a lot of pressure to stay out then im gonna be the only one out from our ward ;) ha ha ha jokes I love it out here! it has been such a blessing for me to have experienced this! tell Luke he needs to find a good group a friends, friends that will build him up not drag him down. I'm glad my mission stories could entertain the relief society. Dad I have one request and that is to see a picture of my missionary plaque, I never got to see it. thank you.
thank you fro you testimony Dad and even though you didn't bare it that much it was your example I saw and that is the best way of baring testimony and I still have 4 brothers at home that need to be preparing for missions! I love you Dad and I am so grateful I chose to come to this Earth as your son. I guess just a quick update I Have been called to train a new missionary and I was also called to be the District Leader. I love and miss you.

Elder Howard

Monday, June 15, 2015

Defiance, week 30


I feel the same! this transfer has just flown by! my companion goes home in a week! I feel like I just got here! but its fine! I'm not too excited to get a new companion.
Not too much excitement this week, this area is super different from my last area, so not as much teaching, but its gonna change soon, things are looking better! 
um on Friday it was super duper humid and me and Elder Jenkins went walking to contact people on the street. It  wasn't sunny, it was overcast, drizzling a little, but we went anyway in our rain jackets. We got caught in a huge rain storm! haha it was fun! we talked to this one lady though and we shared a card with her, and she was really appreciative that we talked to her! it was super cool, but I love it out here! 
we do a lot of service which is fun! oh and on Wednesday night there was a huge thunder storm and after this really loud strike of lighting/thunder the power went off and we looked outside. There were huge tree branches in the road and in peoples yards, so we got service clothes on and went out and helped people! it was great! but that's about it for the week!

Elder Howard

Monday, June 8, 2015

Defiance. week 29


So, a Miracle this week would be last Monday, we met with a less active lady who has been kinda on and off with activity and she said she wanted to get back into being active and wants her non-member kids to join aswell so that was super awesome! and cant wait to start teaching that family! 
my companion goes home in two weeks, so I will get a new one soon! 
Its great out here! I love it and I miss all of you! 
so a funny experience from yesterday! so after eating dinner with a member family last night they took us to the dairy farm they work at and showed us around and all that jazz. When we saw the calves,my companion (who is a dairy farmer back home) told me to stick my fingers close to its mouth, and I did, and it sucked on them. It was the weirdest/grossest thing ever! but it was funny! 

Elder Howard

I found the jap curry at walmart, but I couldnt find the butter chicken paste!  but this week we have meals everyday but saturday! so we are good! love you!

Defiance, week 28

I am doing well and it is going to be super weird to meet in a school! but it will be interesting.

This week we had a baptism her name is Cerelle she is like 65 and she is super awesome! and something funny happened at the baptismal service - the pianist that was going to play them hymns couldn't make it, but luckily the branch has a keyboard that has all the hymns set on it, all you have to do is press play, and it will play them automatically, so that's what we did. I was at the piano doing that and now a couple of them members think I can play them piano really well, but I am really the world worst piano player, so I had to try explain to those members that I really couldn't play and it was the piano playing itself!! They just thought I was making a sarcastic remark about the piano playing itself, because they really didn't know it could do that! 

trek,  I'vw always wanted to do that! ha ha 

um the reach out night, I dont think would work here solely because we dont get much support from the Branch coming to appointments and stuff. I have never taught a lesson with a member present here, but we have one tonight! so that's encouraging right? ha ha 

keep reading the Book of Mormon is it so good! how is Joel so big? and how is Luke doing?  I haven't heard from him for a while? but I am doing well. I made butter chicken last week, and it was super good! where do I get the paste from? I got this powder from walmart for butter chicken so I'm gonna see if that tastes the same.

 well I love and miss you all!

Elder Howard