Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ashtabula, week 7

Hello Family.
So it finally came, the snow is here, and it sucks so bad! its been like 12 degrees for the past few days... not good.. ha ha.

well I should probably tell you why I'm emailing today and not yesterday. Well its transfers here and they switch the preparation day on this week, so come Wednesday we will have a new elder in the apartment. Elder Boothe our district leader is getting transferred, he is a super cool guy and I'm sad to see him go! but other than that not too much is going on.

This morning I split wood from 8-11 in the snow and 12 degree weather! so that was fun! um the work is coming along slowly. It's such a struggle to meet with these people, its crazy! but we are doing our best!

Last week was rough, it was like the week everybody decided to get sick or cancel on us!! ha ha, driving in this snow is scary. The county here is so poor and they don't take care of the roads, so its pretty much driving on icy slush!

A couple of investigators are pretty close to baptism but I don't wanna say when in case I jinx it or something! but all is good, apart from the freezing weather and snow. 

Love and miss you all!
Elder Howard  

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