Monday, January 26, 2015

Ashtabula, week 9

Hello Family!
So this week was insane! I'll start it out by saying we only get 1425 miles to use a month and our area is huge! so that's a struggle, and if we don't get rides from ward members then we struggle and we are struggling with miles! ha ha. Wednesday we got a ride to Coneaut and saw people and walked around the town it was like 10 degrees outside and we were outside for like 5 hours cause everyone we went to see didn't let us in or weren't there... so that was terrible! and then for the rest of the week we drove to the towns we needed to go to then rode our bikes around the town all to save miles! even though we had to work super hard during the week and the week was super rough it all paid off yesterday!

 We had 11 non-members from our area at church it was crazy 7 of them were investigators! In the second hour I taught the gospel principles class, the lesson was on honesty. It was the first time I taught the class and I was super scared, but I was fine and totally nailed it! such an awesome Sunday! plus our new investigator Justin who wants to stop drinking and smoking we went with him to the churches ARP meeting and he loved it and is trying super hard to quite, so that's awesome! please pray for him to over come his addictions! 

um other than that nothing much happened this week! ha ha just a thought though in my studies this morning I was reading the books Enos, Jarom & Omni and the running theme you could say that goes through all those books is the promise the Lord makes to the Nephities where he says (not a direct quote buuut) "as long as you keep my commandments you will prosper in the land" and that's so cool cause its true and it applies so much to us in this time as well. If we do the things Heavenly Father has asked us to do then we will be blessed and will prosper in all we do, its as simple as that. Obedience is so important I cant stress that enough! 

I love and miss you all and pray for you everyday!
Elder Howard

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