Monday, January 26, 2015

Ashtabula, week 10

Hello Family!
This week was NUTZ. So we have like no miles left on our car for the month, so we walked so much this week in the freezing weather! on Tuesday we walked like 6 miles on this super busy road at like 7pm . It was super dark and we made it there to the appointment like 5 minutes before our ride got there.. ha ha but it was alright I guess...

 um on Wednesday the YWs pres asked us to do a little skit thing for the mutual activity, so I have to do acting and stuff it was duuuumb but whatevers ha ha.

 Friday I went on an exchange to the bike area which sucked I suck at biking and i'm biking in the snow so I almost died like 7 times... but then on Saturday... this is where it gets good... we split wood for like 4 hours #service, and then we had stake conference... and guess who came......

  Elder D. Todd Christofferson! it was so awesome! a 12 came to our stake conference! it was so sweet! they changed the Stake Presidency and our bishop got call to be a councilor so he is bishop and stake councilor haha. After the Sunday session Elder Christofferson was like right close to me and I totally could of shaken his had buuuuut I didn't cause I"m a chuck and I regret it super hard, but listening to him was sooooooooo awesome! 

this week should be a real big week for us! might be going to Kirtland! I wanna go so bad! haha but anyways love and miss you all take care and don't have to much fun without me!

Elder Howard

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