Thursday, September 17, 2015

Defiance,Week 43 (last week in Defiance)

No email what is this?!

I thought you would be transferring, so I thought we were not going to hear from you. How are you?

transfers is tomorrow i will let you know where i end up next Monday but all is well with me!

Ok - any cool stories to share??

Um well this week we met a lady she is like 70 and she was open to have us come back and teach her we were supposed to yesterday but we couldn't mind a male to come with us.



Don't forget to pack your marmite!!!

yeah and I packed it!

Did you get Joel and Beths letters?

Joel's letter was funny


Have a safe transfer - hope your new companion is not too American.

Love you too


Okay love you mum! 

Defiance, week 42

Hey Family!

Go to hear you had a good day yesterday! I am emailing today because the libraries were closed yesterday! but this week was good. we did a lot of service as usual, and on Wednesday I went on an exchange with the Zone Leaders and right after lunch me and Elder Gallegos were going back to his area and like 5 mins into our drive back we got rear ended! by like a 18 yr old girl, she was texting or something she hit us going like 30mph we had to stop for a car that was turning and the girl behind us didn't realize we stopped so she hit us her car was smashed us super hard but we were in a Silverado and nothing happened to the truck! it was crazy! but my back was a little sore the next day. haha but first time getting into an accident on my mission! 
and another thing that happened this week was I got a call sunday to finish a missionaries training so I will be getting transferred on the 16th so like a week! I'm nervous and excited at the same time I will miss James' baptism but all is well because even though I will miss it he is still getting baptized! so ill let you know where I end up in like 2 weeks!
 love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 41

Hello Family!

So this week was awesome! We had a mission conference and Elder Bennett from the 2nd quorum of the 70 cam to teach us! it was awesome I loved it. I learned so much and we are trying to implement all that we learned, we haven't seen any direct results yet, but I'm sure they will come! the work here is moving along it is better from when I was first here we have been able to find more people to teach and get in contact with more LAs
 we had that same presentation yesterday too! I love this excerpt from Preach My Gospel on the Sabbath Day 
"Our Sabbath day behavior is reflection oour commitment to honor and worship God." 
So keep it up! I know I could have done a lot of different thing to keep the Sabbath more holy. transfers are on the 16th of September and  feel like iewill get transferred but I'm not sure. James our Investigator was at church again yesterday! he is super ready to be baptized we are just waiting for his interview on the 13th of September. Love and miss you all!

Elder Howard

Defiance, week 40

Dear Family

This week was pretty good. It was a slower week and we didn't get to visit a lot of people like the Crawford Family. We haven't been able to meet with them for like a month now its super frustrating! but we are trying I guess its just on them... but this week our Investigator Bob dropped us his wife wasn't happy that he was meeting with us, so he called us and told us not to come by anymore which was super sad because he would be such a solid member!!!
James was at church again! he has his baptismal interview on the 13th I think so  we are looking forward to that and if I get transferred next transfer I wont get to see him get baptized, but as long as he does get baptized and goes to the temple!
 I have been in this area for like 4 months now, so not as long as my first area, but still a while. time goes by so fast its crazy! but i love it out here!
 Love and miss you all take care!

Elder Howard