Sunday, May 31, 2015

Defiance, Week 27


The branch is great! we have a baptism this Saturday! her name is Cerelle, so that is really exciting and I am going to start taking pictures of my area cause I realized I don't have any! and yes got the shirts and stuff! I made curry on Thursday! it was great, thank you! and the shirts fit perfect! 
Another cool thing about the branch, they are adding onto the building, so starting the first week in June we will be meeting in an elementary school! They don't have AC, so come summer church is gonna be really hot and sticky! ha ha, but that should be interesting. I have never had church in a school before, I don't think. 
This week we built a house! it was awesome! but it's not finished, so this week we will keep building! um there is probably like a 25-30% activity rate here so yeah we have quite a few! but we are working with a few and trying to get them back to church! um other than that not too much to report on! haha 
Our mission president is going home in a month, and they we get a new one! but yeah! I love and miss you!

Elder Howard 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Defiance, Week 26


my address is 905 Wilhelm St Defiance OH, 43512 and its safe. 15 1/2 neck slim fit and the brand was van husen or something like that. and yeah use my money. I brought that bag from walmart it was like 84 bucks!
okay so I am serving in the Bryan branch its a huge area but not a lot of people its all country side! I live in defiance so you can google map that and look where it is from where I was in Ashtabula ha ha its crazy! my new comp is awesome! he is a good missionary and he goes home in 5 weeks! so I will get a new comp soon. I really like it here. its nice and the members are cool even though only like 35 showed up Sunday ha ha the branch building is so tiny! but its fun and I'm excited! do they have rugby balls at Walmart or can you send one? 

Elder Howard

Ashtabula, week 25

 I will get transferred tomorrow! I don't know where too yet but will let you know on Monday! it was so great to see you also! I love and miss you all! but yeah you pretty much got my update I will go to Walmart today to get a bag, so I can fit everything! but other than that I'm good!
 I will give you my new address on Monday! love and miss you!
Elder Howard

Ashtabula, week 24

Hello Family!
This week was a good one! we had interviews with our mission president on Wednesday! it was really good!
we had a cool thing happen we had contacted a HQ refferral like last week and set up an appointment for Saturday at 10 and we went over there and we just sat down with him and he pretty much said "i want to learn teach me" so that is a huge blessing! It just goes to show if you work hard and are diligent Heavenly Father will trust you with his prepared children! 
 I love it out here and I got to serve with a missionary I have looked up to my whole mission his name is Elder Miller and he was the Assistant who picked me up from the airport so i have know him my whole mission and on Saturday he was in Ashtabula Because he and his comp are traveling the mission helping missionaries with their areas and stuff like that so on Saturday he came here and I got to serve with him for half a day and it was awesome he is an awesome missionary! but yeah that was about it this week! 
I love and miss you all, tell Beth good luck for her recital and tell Jude congrats!
Elder Howard

Ashtabula, week 23

                               Justin's Baptism

                                Elder Miller
                                My trainer back to visit and engaged!!

yes I have recovered! thank you! glad to hear the team is still winning! was that game for the cup again? Lucas looks like a girl! ha ha tell Beth and Jude thank you and I love them! thats awesome! Family History is great! um here are some pics from our travels last night and a video! love you!!!

Ashtabula, week 22

so this week was good! we taught a lot of lessons and Justin got baptized on Saturday!
 I left my camera at home, but will send some pics next week! but ill apologize now, I got food poisoning this week end and I feel like crap right now! I cant really concentrate so this is gonna be short. sorry. love and miss you all! take care!
Elder Howard