Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ashtabula, Week 13

Hello Family
So this was was kinda normal........ Sike!!!!! it was crazy!

 To start off the week I got a call from the mission president, on Monday evening at like 10:15. He asked me to train a new missionary!!! It go me super nervous and stuff! like I'm way to new to train a new missionary! but I guess not? I just got done being trained myself ha ha. It should be fun and an adventure! I'll have to do a lot more in every aspect so it should be good! can't wait! I will meet him tomorrow, so it will be awesome!

 My companion goes home tomorrow, so I'm sad about that, but he was an awesome missionary and served his two years well! Everyone in the mission talks so highly of him and I got him as a trainer! so that was a huge blessing for me! 

um also this week I got the little card that permits me to drive, so I have been mobbing through the snow in the chevy cruze! so that's fun! also on Sunday church got cancelled  because it was like -28, so we had to stay in the apartment till like 2 because we begged to go out! but other than that everything is going good. We don't have as many solid investigators to teach as I would hope, but we are on the hunt to find some and I know we will!

I love and miss you all i will send some pictures of me and my trainee (apparently you can also call them your kid cause you trained them so i guess I'm having a kid...) love you!
Elder Howard

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