Monday, February 9, 2015

Ashtabula, week 12

Hello Family!
so, this week was kind of a more chill week. We didn't have as much going on as we did last week, but that doesn't mean it was nap time all day, we still went out and worked hard! 

We are currently teaching Chris' (recent convert) soon to be husband Justin (investigator) he is progressing well its a constant struggle to get him to read the book of mormon, but he is reading a little, so that's good! He has a baptismal date set for the end of this month, but no grantee. It's cool when people see a change in their family members and then want to learn about the gospel! so that's going good there! pray for him please!

 umm we are doing a lot of snow shoveling this week and wow I hate snow haha. It's cool to look at, but it is such a pain! on Saturday we went to a members house and cleared like literally a ton of snow off his roof, it took a solid 4 hours.... haha  

um other than that not to many exciting things happened. I get a new companion in a week and a half! so that should be exciting. I gave a talk in sacrament yesterday, so that was fun. I still suck at giving talks so pray for me to get better... haha other than that all is well and I'm loving it! love & miss you all, be safe.
Elder Howard

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