Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 58, Warren


How is it going?! you miss me yet? I only have 10 months left.....
crazy!!!! I miss you guys! this week was a good one we taught 25
lessons pretty good i'd say. it snowed last night so warren is white
and cold. we biked in a little snow yesterday and will do the same
tomorrow and Wednesday and the rest of the winter. its cold but not to
bad. The Adams moved back into the ward they were at church Sunday and
Dan brought his daughter who is also named Danielle haha but she
enjoyed church not sure if we will be able to start teaching her
though. they are doing good and I am taking them their present
tonight. Also this week we got a call from a member of the stake
presidency in Pittsburgh asking us if we could give a less active lady
a blessing who asked her mother in Pittsburgh if she could have one
but since she lives in warren we were asked to do that. We are going
to do it today after 3pm so it should be a awesome opportunity. Sounds
like the family is doing a okay Xbox is a waste of time tell them to
go practice rugby or soccer or something! If Zach cant play rugby will
he do something else? well thats about all from me! I love you guys!
work hard study the scriptures and say your prayers!

Elder Howard

Week 56. Warren


It was awesome to see you guys on Christmas! We had an awesome day and
got taken care of really well! This week we have be saving miles so we
have biked everyday this week! it has been fun and also a pain haha
but its not to cold so its tolerable. We had little success meeting
with investigators this week, but hope to change that this week. We
are always working on finding new people to teach. So new update the
Adams (Dan&Danielle) Moved back to warren! they are in a very bad
situation. but we have some ward members helping them with different
things. but that's about it from my week. Love and miss you guys!

Elder Howard

Warren, week 54

Hello Family!!!!

Hey so this week on Wednesday I got a new Companion for Nampa Idaho
his name is elder Butterfield. He is cool not the perfect companion,
but I can deal haha he has his little weird qurks but the best thing
is he is willing to listen and learn which it the best!
 so this week we have done a lot of contacting/tracting which hasn't yielded any
fruit as of yet, but the weather here is amazing no snow and its like
60! we have been able to meet with a few investigators this week one
was Sister Scotts kids Amir, Amor(they are twins) and Jordy we taught
them the restoration and helped them understand it they are only 12
and 11 but they want to be baptized so we are hoping for sometime in
January. the next Investigator was Kathy she was reffed by a member in
the ward to us and we have been teaching her for the past month or two
she has been sick the past two weeks, but we read the Book of Mormon
with her 2 Nephi 31 she is very involved at her church which she has
attended since she was a kid. We are trying to get her out to church
to feel the spirit there. but yeah that about sums up my week haha.
 I taught Sunday school and Elders Quorum yesterday! and I get to conduct
two baptismal interviews this week 1 tonight and 1 on Tuesday. well I
love and miss you all and I have a few pictures from 2 weeks ago I
didnt take pictures this week sorry!

Elder Howard

Warren, Week 53


That's some awesome news! I cant believe the field is getting lights! too bad they couldn't be there when the best players were playing haha. Oh that's awesome, there is a kid in the ward who really likes soccer and follows the premier league and when he told me Leicester city were top I didn't believe him haha.
I hope I don't get called to be the assistant it is a very hard calling and you don't get a lot of time to proselyte in your own area because you're always doing other stuff, but who knows. haha training again will be fun I hope love you Dad!

Elder Howard


SO no snow yet!!! thank goodness. My week was good it was jam packed with meetings we had our mission conference in Kirtland it was awesome!! then we had a zone meeting the next day. then on Friday I went to the trainers meeting in Cleveland. so we haven't had a lot of time in our area this week, but since my companion is leaving he has been able to say bye to the members and people we have been teaching. Also something cool this week was that on Saturday we started teaching a Part Member family the mother is  less active and she has 3 daughters under the age of 15 so we are teaching them the lessons and they all accepted the invitation to be baptized. Transfers are tomorrow so that's when I will get my new companion. I actually took pictures this week too! I love and miss you guys!

Elder Howard