Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ashtabula, Week 13

Hello Family
So this was was kinda normal........ Sike!!!!! it was crazy!

 To start off the week I got a call from the mission president, on Monday evening at like 10:15. He asked me to train a new missionary!!! It go me super nervous and stuff! like I'm way to new to train a new missionary! but I guess not? I just got done being trained myself ha ha. It should be fun and an adventure! I'll have to do a lot more in every aspect so it should be good! can't wait! I will meet him tomorrow, so it will be awesome!

 My companion goes home tomorrow, so I'm sad about that, but he was an awesome missionary and served his two years well! Everyone in the mission talks so highly of him and I got him as a trainer! so that was a huge blessing for me! 

um also this week I got the little card that permits me to drive, so I have been mobbing through the snow in the chevy cruze! so that's fun! also on Sunday church got cancelled  because it was like -28, so we had to stay in the apartment till like 2 because we begged to go out! but other than that everything is going good. We don't have as many solid investigators to teach as I would hope, but we are on the hunt to find some and I know we will!

I love and miss you all i will send some pictures of me and my trainee (apparently you can also call them your kid cause you trained them so i guess I'm having a kid...) love you!
Elder Howard

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ashtabula, week 12

Hello Family!
so, this week was kind of a more chill week. We didn't have as much going on as we did last week, but that doesn't mean it was nap time all day, we still went out and worked hard! 

We are currently teaching Chris' (recent convert) soon to be husband Justin (investigator) he is progressing well its a constant struggle to get him to read the book of mormon, but he is reading a little, so that's good! He has a baptismal date set for the end of this month, but no grantee. It's cool when people see a change in their family members and then want to learn about the gospel! so that's going good there! pray for him please!

 umm we are doing a lot of snow shoveling this week and wow I hate snow haha. It's cool to look at, but it is such a pain! on Saturday we went to a members house and cleared like literally a ton of snow off his roof, it took a solid 4 hours.... haha  

um other than that not to many exciting things happened. I get a new companion in a week and a half! so that should be exciting. I gave a talk in sacrament yesterday, so that was fun. I still suck at giving talks so pray for me to get better... haha other than that all is well and I'm loving it! love & miss you all, be safe.
Elder Howard

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Astabula, week 11

Hello Family!
So this week has been a big one, sorry for not emailing yesterday, the Library was closed because of the weather. we had a huge storm come in on Sunday! 
Monday was a snow day but other than that all is well and its still freezing.
So now for the big news. This Saturday and Sunday we had 5 people Baptized and Confirmed. Four of them were people my Companion and I were working with. Their names are Shonda (22), Christina (39), Kenneth (21) and Marcus (10). It was so awesome to see them baptized after a while of teaching them. We had a lot of hard things come up, but they over came them, so this could happen. Ah there are so many awesome stories I wanna tell about each of these people, but I don't have anytime! It was is cool because the ward I am in hasn't had a baptism in like year-2 years, and to have 5 in one day was amazing!
I had the privilege of baptizing Shonda, and then I Confirmed Ken and Chris. So yeah this week was a big week for the Ashtabula Ward! so now we have to go find more people to teach and baptize! Our main goal now is to get these people to the temple. We are getting them to do Family history so they can take a name to the temple this March super excited for them for that!
um idk what else happened this week, but I will send pictures of the baptism. 
It was so awesome. The church is true and this Gospel is amazing and the atonement of Christ can truly change people. Man I love being a missionary. 
Love and miss you all take care!
Elder Howard    




One Car snowed in and dug out by Elder Howard.

Pic of us and Elder Christoffersons half eaten Birthday cake!