Thursday, August 20, 2015

Defiance, week 39

Hello Family!

James is awesome! he is progressing really well and reading the Book of Mormon. He said "there is something about it" in a good way hahaha, so that's super cool! and he will probably have to get baptized in a members pool because the church building is getting constructed on still #firstworldproblems but I'm excited for that!

We have zone conference on Wednesday, so that will be a good learning experience. I also fixed a lawn mover on Saturday with the skill of soldering I learnt in the year 8, so that was cool!

 yes I remember the first time passing they gave me the easiest assignment and I was really nervous! I passed the sacrament yesterday too! ha ha good job Zach! 

what name did Luke put on his parking spot? 

well I love and miss you all! 

Elder Howard 

Defiance, Week 38


So  I guess just a cool miracle that happened this week, we contacted a guy (james) who requested a bible last Sunday and then taught him the restoration. on Friday he accepted the invitation to be baptized and set a date! then he was at church on Sunday!

 I have never taught anyone more prepared on my mission such a blessing from the Lord! so yeah that was the highlight of the week! love and miss you all! 

Elder Howard

Defiance, Week 37

Hello Family!                                                                            AUGUST 4TH 2015
So this week was really good! um, I guess the best thing that happened was on Sunday we went by a bible referral in the town of Antwerp, his name was is James. He let us right in to talk to him! it was super awesome because he  was just so prepared to talk to us. We will be going over there this week to teach him the message of the Restoration! It was just a real testimony builder that The Lord is really preparing His children to receive the Restored Gospel.

I love my mission, and the experiences I have had.

 The past two Fridays me and Elder Roll have ridden our bikes around Defiance, and wow its not fun! ha ha - it's hot and humid and people shout at you from their cars! ha ha, but it is good for exercise, and we get to talk to more people as well!

 Love and miss you all!

Elder Howard  


This is for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY you are like TWEELEVE now! thats so coo,l but the best thing about being 12 is that you can hold the Priesthood. Zach the Priesthood is of God and is a very sacred thing and it is a privilege to hold it and to be worthy of it. Through the Priesthood we serve, it is the ability for man to act in the name of god. no other church on the face of the earth has the Priesthood because the Priesthood is only in The Lords church. Do everything you can to help and serve with your Priesthood power. With out the Priesthood we wouldn't be able to return to like with our Heavenly Father again, and we wouldn't be able to be an eternal family I don't know about you Zach but I want to be with you, mum, dad, luke, joel, beth, and jude for ever and that is only possible because the priesthood was restored to the earth through the prophet Jospeh Smith. so remember when you are ordained a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood you have been given a great responsibility from our Heavenly Father to help his children return to live with him again. I love you Zach and happy birthday.

Love your big bro
Elder Howard